The Nesting Grounds

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The next day and many, many miles away, the herd treks through a mountain range, exhausted.

The Iguanadon siblings are feeling it more than the rest of the herd, one of them collapsing, causing its sibling to start calling out in distress. 

Kron, hearing the cries, looks back for a few seconds before keeping going, sticking to his rules. The young Iguanadon whimpers at his sibling, pleading for them to get up and cries out in distress as the herd continues to move, leaving them behind.

Soon, however, Neera and Damien appear.

"It's okay little ones."

Neera says, the young Iguanadons looking at her and Damien.

"We're going to make it."

Damien says, before looking back the way they'd just come, looking out for signs of Aladar, Draca and their friends, as Neera helps the baby to its feet, before also looking back. Then, she and Damien, along with the babies, rejoin the herd.

Meanwhile, back in the cave, Aladar and the others are going through a tunnel, hoping to find a way out, Zini playing I Spy with Yar, before the group comes upon a dead end. 

"What do we do now?"

Yar asks. 

"I guess we just go back."

Aladar says sadly. Suddenly, Zini starts sniffing, 

"Hold on a moment."

"Zini, what is it?

Suri asks her uncle, as he continues sniffing.

"Do you smell that?"

Zini asks her. Suri sniffs, smelling the same smell her uncle has.


They both jump from Baylene's head and onto the rocks in front of them. Aladar and Draca do the same before rushing down to the foot of the rock pile, where Zini is digging. He pulls a rock free and a bright beam of light cuts through the darkness.

"Get a load of that."

Emma gasps.

"Good show."

Baylene says as well.

"Everybody stand back, we're outta here."

Aladar and Draca say in unison, before pushing against a boulder at the foot of the rock pile. It moves, but it triggers other rocks to fall. Zini and Suri jump away, Zini telling his niece to,


"Aladar, Draca, look out!"

Emma yells out to the brothers, who dive out of the way just as a big rock plummets down. The gap in the rocks that Zini made is soon closed up, enraging Aladar and Draca, who throw themselves at the rocks again, with a shout of,


They push, but nothing gives and they soon become disheartened. Plio comes over to her foster sons.

"Boys, we'll go back."

"Back to what? It's gone. We're not meant to survive."

Draca says, showing just how defeated he feels. Draca's normally the opotomist, the one to find the best in a bad situation. 

"Oh yes we were. We're here, aren't we? And how dare you two waste that good fortune by simply giving up. Shame on you. Shame on you, shame on you. The worst of it is, you allowed an old fool like me to believe I was needed, that I still had a purpose. And do you know what? You were right. And I'm going to go on believing it. And I for one, am not willing to die here."

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