The Cave

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Miles and miles away, unaware of what has just taken place, Burton and the scout are scouting along a ravine bed, the scout seeing nothing but twisting turns and pathways, all of them dry.

"Bruton, we're walking in circles. There's no water here, I think we should get back."

"Shh, keep it down."

Bruton tells the scout. They continue along the trail, but then, one of the Carnotaurs cranes its head into view before hissing lightly, turning to set up an ambush with his partner.

Bruton, hearing the hiss, stops and sniffs the air, glancing around as he does so, making sure they aren't being followed, but this makes him even more on edge than he was before. 

The Carnotaurs use the rocks as cover, as well as the fading light and get really close before one of them produces a shadow on a nearby rock, alerting Bruton to the danger.

"Now, let's get out of here."

In a moment of confusion, the scout turns to look at the shadow, but this turns out to be a fatal mistake. A Carnotaur clamps its teeth down on the scouts tail, dragging him, roaring, back into the shadows, where it proceeds to devour the scout.

Bruton, after looking back once, tries to use a rocky slope to escape, but then, the first Carnotaur charges.

Meanwhile, back with the herd, Aladar and Draca are awoken by Suri, who is trying to convince the two baby Iguanadons to come out of the hole that they are hiding in and have something to drink.

"Will you come out on 3? 1, 2, 3."

Aladar and Draca get up, heading over to their foster sister.

"Come on, come on out, no one's gonna hurt you."

Suri says to the babies, just as Aladar and Draca arrive.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?"

Aladar asks.

"The little ones haven't had anything to drink. I think they're scared of me."

Draca smiles at his foster sister, saying,

"Who wouldn't be, you are pretty scary."

Suri playfully growls at the young ones, before Aladar, chuckling, says to the babies,

"Come on over guys."

They go deeper into their hole, clearly scared. Draca decides to reassure them,

"Take it easy, don't worry, she's just a hairball."

"And proud of it. Come on, they're gonna find you some water."

Suri jumps after her foster brothers, the two Iguanadon siblings following.

On a nearby hilltop, Neera and Damien are keeping watch as they notice Draca and Aladar below, digging. The two older siblings start to head down.

Aladar and Draca have made a decent sized hole just as the young ones approach them.

"Here, now you just take a foot and press."

Water begins to flow around Aladar's foot, Draca standing back, the way he often does. The two young ones start coming over, but one of them is a little too excited, and the other shoves him, causing them to start fighting.

"Hey, hey come on, knock it off. Let's, let's work together here, huh? A little teamwork."

Draca says, calming the babies, who take their places around the hole. Nearby, Neera and Damien have reached the bottom of their hill and are near the small group.

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