Raptors and meeting the herd

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A few days after the destruction of their island, Draca and Aladar are still trekking along, never seeing any other signs of life. This land is completely alien to them, meaning that they need to be careful.

Suri whispers that she is scared to her mother, who rubs her paw, while her grandfather pats her back, saying,

"Now, now Suri. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Just as he says that, a strange noise comes from up ahead, startling the entire group. Aladar and Draca notice a flash of movement not too far from where they are and Aladar starts moving towards it, Draca following.

"Did you see that?"

He asks, to which Yar replies with


And Zini and Suri reply with,

"I did."

"Me too."

"Where did it go?"

Plio asks her older foster son.

"I dunno."

Aladar answers.

"Let's go see."

Draca steps in front of his brother.

"Aladar, don't be daft. We don't know anything about this place, or the creatures here. We don't know if this thing eats plants like us, or is one of those flesh-eaters Yar told us about when we were young."

"Come on Draca, let's go look."

Draca follows his brother, praying that he's just being overly cautious and that the new creature is just a plant eater like him and his brother.

Soon, they find the small creature, which is currently grooming its sharp claws. The brothers don't know that this small creature is called a Velcoiraptor, a flesh-eater, just as Draca said.

The raptor finishes grooming itself and lifts its head up, spotting the brothers. It chirps, another raptor coming up beside it. 

Draca soon realises that they've been drawn into a trap and tells his brother and they both begin to back away slowly, but this sets the raptors off.

They start chasing the brothers through the rocky area, but the brothers soon find their way back into the open, where the raptors continue pursuing them.

Two of the raptors manage to bite at Aladar and Draca's back legs, causing them pain, but not bringing them down.

One of them, the Alpha, jumps up, trying to get onto Aladar's back to get at the lemurs. It misses, but Yar almost falls, before Zini manages to grab hold of him

The raptors follow them into a sandstorm, the Alpha raptor trying to grab Yar again before he is pulled back onto the safety of Aladar's back by Zini. The raptor then looks up ahead and jumps off Aladar's back, the entire pack of raptors veering off to the side.

"Aladar, Draca, they're stopping!"

The brothers slow down, but then, Aladar is knocked over by a grey Iguanadon, who says,

"Stay out of my way."

He steps over Aladar, sending the lemurs scattering, another brown Iguanadon telling the brothers,

"You heard Kron, move it!"

Aladar gets to his feet, and the lemurs climb back on. Aladar wrinkles his nose at the grey and brown Iguanadons before the two brothers begin trying to maneuver through the mass of dinosaurs. 

Aladar gets distracted by the baby dinosaurs under his feet, and upon raising his head again, collides with a purple female Iguanadon, who tells him to 

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