The End of Our Island

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When the trio reach the trees where the males are getting their annual pep talk from Yar, one that Zini has no doubt memorized from being unable to find a Mate for years, Aladar calls out to them,

"Come on guys. We don't wanna let 'em down!"

Yar says to the males, 

"Go on now, chest out, chin up."

The male lemurs jump onto Aladar's back from the tree. Yar smiles at the two dinosaurs he's come to see as grandchildren over the years, despite his initial reluctance to have Aladar as a part of the clan.

"Make 'em look good boys."

Aladar smiles and says, half turning his head towards Yar,

"Come on Yar, our charm, your brains, no problem."

Yar chuckles at Aladar's wit. He's obviously picked that up from Plio, who has given the female lemurs a similar talk to the one he's given the males.

Draca is more like him, quiet and observant, always cautious, but still has an outgoing side he's also picked up from Plio, even though it isn't often seen because he spends more time with Yar or another member of the clan helping with supplies and all that stuff.

Draca and Aladar both bellow out as they cross the open ground between the forest and the Courtship Tree that the lemurs have been using for generations, signalling their arrival. Aladar shows off the males saying,

"Hey girls, look who just pulled into town. Your buffet table of love."

The males catcall to the females, trying to entice them. Zini says,

"Hey, free samples, get me while I'm hot."

And almost falls off Aladar's tail, making a fool of himself as usual, causing Suri and Draca to chuckle at him.

After the males jump into the trees again, Aladar and Draca lie down beside Yar, Plio and Suri, who signal the beginning of the Courtship with calls. When the males prepare to jump from their trees into the Courtship Tree, Zini falls from his branch and Aladar rescues him saying,

"You're missing all the action man, come on."

Zini says, 

"Haven't you heard, I am the action."

Just as Aladar tosses him into the Courtship Tree.

During the Courtship, Zini gets tangled up in the vine he's holding onto and is unable to find a Mate again this year. Draca and Aladar try to cheer their foster uncle up, 

"Ah, don't worry Zini, you always have next year." 

Zini tries to play his sadness off by saying,

"Hey, I'm lucky to be rid of them. But the ladies, before you know what they are, they wanna move to a bigger tree."

Aladar chuckles as he brings Zini over to the others. Plio and Yar sigh, Yar saying,

"Oh well, poor Zini. The clan still has one bachelor." 

Plio, looking at her adoptive sons, says,

"No. We have three." 

Draca and Aladar are the only two dinosaurs on the island, and would never consider each other lover material, being more like brothers than lovers.

She jumps up to Aladar and Draca, who are lying down.

"Well, it's never really been his best event."

She says, talking about her younger brother.

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