Carnotaurus attack

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A few hours later, the storm is still raging on and just 100 metres from the cave where Aladar, Draca, Plio, Yar, Suri, Zini, Baylene, Emma, Bruton and Url are sleeping, the Carnotaurs loom, growling as they approach the cave.

Inside, Aladar and Draca are sleeping when they are awoken by the ground momentarily vibrating, repeating as a rock falls lightly against another rock near where the brothers are lying down. They lift their heads to see what has caused it and gasp upon seeing the two predators just metres from them.


Aladar flinches as Bruton appears beside him, Draca turning briefly before looking back at the predators, wondering how they found them so fast.


Aladar turns back to the predators, who are approaching the entrance slowly, growling as they try to find any trace of a trail, most of which has been washed away by the rain.

"What do we do."

Draca whispers to Bruton, fearing for the lives of his family and friends.

"Wake the others."

He replies, turning to do just that. The two Carnotaurs continue to stalk closer to the cave, as Aladar, Draca and Bruton wake the others, the lemurs climbing into Emma's back for safety.

Draca carefully wakes Url, who cries out upon seeing the two predators. Draca quickly places his foot on Url's head, silencing him, watching the Carnotaurs, hoping that they don't come rushing in while the others in the group are still in the main cave.

Outside, the predators perk up at the sound of Url's cry, but when the sound doesn't come again, they quickly lose interest, sniffing around the cave entrance.

Draca and the others all sigh with relief. The group moves deeper into the cave, but Baylene, while lifting her head slightly, accidently jossles a pillar, knocking a small rock loose, startling Emma, who the rock lands next to.

Aladar, realising where the rock is headed, tries to grab it, but is just a little bit too slow. The rock rolls near to one of the Carnotaurs, who sniffs it, and lifts its head, a sinister smile on its face, growling lightly. 

Aladar stays dead still as the predator pushes its head through the water pouring down the cave entrance and looks around, but is unable to see anything because of the low light. Then, a flash of lightening lights up the cave, revealing Aladar. 

The instant the predator spots him, it rushes towards him, Aladar running for his life.

"Go, go, hurry!"

He calls to his friends and family. He runs as fast as he can, but the Carnotaur is close behind.

"Move it Emma!"

He says, shoving her further up the ledge as quickly as he can. But the Carnotaur wraps its jaws around his tail, pulling him back down to the cave floor. 


Plio and Draca scream, fearing for his life, as Suri screams, fear flooding the group again. Bruton, who was planning on running to a different part of the cave, hears their screams and sees Aladar in trouble.

Instead of running away to leave the other Iguanadon to his fate, as he would've done only a few weeks ago, he decides to interviene. What Plio said about it being his choice as to if he dies or not really made him think about his life and Aladar no doubt saved his by bringing him into the cave, by being compassionate, something Kron didn't understand.

"Aladar! Oh, no!"

The Carnotaur succeeds in pulling Aladar to the ground, but the other predator shoves it aside, placing its foot on Aladar's tail, clearly wanting to be the one to finish him off. The two predators begin fighting, but then are slammed aside by Bruton, who yells to Aladar,

"I'll hold them off, you help the others!"

Aladar gets up quickly, and rushes towards his friends and family, as Bruton faces off against the predators. Aladar soon catches up to the others, but turns, unsure if he should go on, or help Bruton against the predators.

Bruton roars at the two predators from the rocky ledge he's currently standing on, the larger of the two predators roaring back at him, the smaller rushing at him. Bruton smacks the predator away with his tail, causing it to smash into a rocky pillar, knocking a boulder loose and lose its footing, which will ultimately be its death.

Bruton notices the rock fall, and realises that the pillars are acting as supports for the rocks and roars, running down the ledge, smashing into the other predator, smashing it against another pillar, causing a cave in.

Aladar calls to Bruton from the entrance to the tunnel the group had gone down. Bruton forces himself up, trying to get to Aladar as rocks rain down around him. But then, Bruton stops as a large boulder lands on him, crushing him, as he roars one final time. 

"Bruton! Noo!"

Aladar cries, before gunting as a rock lands on his shoulders, forcing him to bend to avoid the worst of the impact. When the rocks stop falling, despite the thick dust, which is causing Aladar to cough, he rushes to aid the older dinosaur, who saved his life.


Aladar gets to the area of rocks where Bruton was crushed, digging through the rocks, trying to free him, but it's too late. Bruton is dead, but his sacrifice isn't in vain.

The smaller of the two Carnotaurs lies dead nearby, meaning that it's no longer a problem for the herd, or for Aladar, Draca and the rest of their group. Aladar looks away from the body of the dinosaur who saved his life, as Draca walks up beside him, giving him a quick nuzzle, sensing the grief flowing through his brother at being unable to save Bruton, just as he had failed to save their home.

"You did what you could Aladar. Come on, the others are waiting."

A roar sounds from under the rocks and a section nearby moves. Aladar and Draca glare at it, but on the other side of the cave, the other Carnotaur bursts free from the rocks, but knowing that he couldn't get to them, or dig, the Carnotaur accepts defeat, limping towards the cave entrance, where he stops, growls and lets out a mighty roar, promising pain and suffering.

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