A Special Night

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A few nights after the herd has finally reached the Nesting Grounds after the long trek across the desert and despite the idiocy of Kron, Draca and Damien are lying together in a little glade, far from the rest of the herd.

Draca looks over at his love interest, who is watching the stars.

"I'm sorry about your brother Damien."

Damien looks away from the stars and at Draca, who isn't looking at him anymore, but at the ground. 

"It's not your fault Draca. Kron made his choice. (sigh) After our parents were killed, Kron changed. He wasn't always so cold hearted. He used to be like you and Aladar, but after that day, he changed. He became heartless, merciless, except to Neera and I, and even then, he was harsher than he used to be. Honestly though, I'm kinda glad he's gone. He would never have let us be together. He was dead set on Neera and I continuing the bloodline."

Draca nuzzles his love interest, who readily returns the affectionate gesture.

Soon, the two Iguanadons feel their ruts starting, the main reason they're so far from the rest of the herd.

They'd been talking a few nights before, and realised that their ruts start at the exact same time, which is both handy, and incredibly hilarious.

And since they love each other, they decided to help each other with their ruts. Aladar and Neera, being such good siblings, told the two male Iguanadons that they don't care if they are gay, only that they are happy.

Now, since Damien is the more dominant of the two of them, he mounts Draca, pinning the other male to the ground. Draca lifts his tail to give Damien easy access to his hole, which results in Damien plunging in and thrusting, hitting Draca's special spot over and over again.

The two male Iguanadons mate long into the night, cumming again and again, and by daybreak, they are exhausted, but stated.

Damien and Draca decide to stay in their little glad for a few more days, just to be sure that their ruts have finished properly, having had a couple of false ends in the past.

When they rejoin the herd, they find that Aladar and Neera have also left, probably to mate as well, which means that there could be nieces and nephews on the way for Draca and Damien.

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