01| Whoops!

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EVER since Blake was small, he used to think that he was weird. No, not like Gay weird, which there isn't anything wrong with that, he just didn't act like the rest of the Jacobs.

Everyone in the community had labelled him as the 'Good Jacobs' or 'Saint Jacobs', why? Because he fits exactly his nickname. Every weekend he would spend his time, fixing up either house or playing with the community kids. Sometimes he would help Ms Winston from down the straight carry her groceries or just spend time with her. He is just a friendly guy who is willing to help whoever is in need. There was no way anyone could hate Blake Jacobs.

Except for Josh Johnson.

Now, Josh Johnson is your regular partying delinquent, heck he's even worst than me and that's saying something. Anyway, Im getting off track. Josh hated Blake from Grade 1 up until Grade 7. He couldn't stand how everyone could just like him. He didn't like how someone could not have a bad bone. It seemed fake so he decided to test it. He spent all those years trying to annoy Blake, either by stealing his food, his sports gear, his homework, he even tried making him fail a grade and that didn't even work. Josh didn't like that so every day he would send a paper aeroplane to Blake, but that didn't work.

So one day he decided to walk up to Blake and asked him a question, Im not exactly sure what the fuck they were saying because Lexi kept poking me throughout Mr Jinkings class. But after class, I asked Blake and he told me that Josh wanted to know why he wouldn't get mad at him, I mean I found it weird as well.

Blake told me, "I want to be his friend."

Now, why would you be friends with someone who's been picking on you? I even asked him and he gave me this weird-ass reply, saying shit like, "He seems like he needs a friend so I want to be that friend."

How the fuck could you hate that kid? Seriously, I question if he's
a Jacobs.

What really changed was the day Josh's father died when he was thirteen and though his family was a piece of shit, he still loved them. I didn't lose my dad yet but now looking back, I can see why Josh was acting so.

Nobody didn't really know how to comfort him except for the usual, 'Im sorry for your loss' bullshit.

The only person who didn't even do that was Blake. Instead, he baked him a fucking cake with his face on him. It was a shitty looking cake but Josh liked him.

From then on, they became best friends.

Nate started checking the money while Blake made small talk with the drug dealer. He didn't mind Fezco, he didn't know why everyone called him dumb when he's really smart.

"Im guessing youre coming over tonight?" Blake looks at the man's shoes, noticing that he's run down.

"Yeah man, gotta make some money, you know how it is" Fez smiles at the older Jacobs.

"And how's Ash? Is he doing okay?" Blake asked as Nate gives him back his wallet. Fez takes the money from Nate's hand and starts checking it.

"He's ight, he's been asking when you gonna come over"

"Tell him soon okay?-"

"Yo Blake lets go!" Nate says as he hits the roof of his truck. Blake nods his head to his brother and sends a smile to Fez.

"We'll talk later, Bye." As he jumps in the vehicle, his brother shouts out to someone, Blake only picks up the word Rue.

"Wait that's Rue? Holy shit I wanna talk to her!"

"Relax bro, you can talk to her some other time." Blake huffs but didn't reply.

"Yo, dude you going to McKay's tonight?"

"I don't want to but Cassie's going so you know I gotta go" Nate slaps Blake's shoulder hard, laughing at him.

"You're so whipped for her, like some lap dog"

"And you weren't whipped for Maddy?" He smirks when he sees the frown on Nate's face.

"Ey, we don't talk about that bitch"

"But what if she comes tonight?" Blake asks innocently. Nate grips the steering wheel tightly.

"I don't know. I don't give a fuck. She broke up with me. Fuck her."

"But you did fuck her, a few days ago" Nate shoves his brother's head while Blake laughs.

"What would your virgin ass know about fucking? I bet you haven't even let Cassie go down on you" Blake didn't say anything but blushed at Nate's comment. Nate looks at his brother, shock taking over his features before a smile comes on.

"No fucking way. You're kidding?" Blake blushed harder, his ears turning fully red. Nate burst out laughing, messing up Blake's hair.

"How was it? Wait how the fuck I don't know about this? When was this?"

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell"

"Fuck that shit, I told you about my first time, now you gotta tell me yours" He wasn't going to talk about his experience but the look his brother gave him, made him talk.

"Okay just don't tell Mom, she's going to give me the sex talk again and I don't wanna hear it"

"Deal now talk" Blake sighs, as he starts playing with the strings on his hoodie.

"It was last week, okay, and I guess she was in the mood or something and before I know it she was giving me a BJ. I mean I'm not complaining but it was just so random." Nate frowns.

"But you didn't answer, was it good?"

"How the heck am I supposed to know? It was my first time."

"Dude, even if it was you'd be able to tell if it's shit. I bet she was fucking choking on your dick"

"You're so weird."

"Tell me I'm wrong." He didn't deny nor confirm but to Nate, it proved his point. Nate laughs at his brother's blushing face.

"Yo, this is exactly what Im talking about," Nate said, Blake followed his gaze and saw a blonde girl riding her bike. He shakes his head at Nate.

"Come on man don't do it," He says but Nate ignores him. Nate drives faster to catch up with the girl, he leans over Blake and starts teasing the girl.

"Hey, yo, what up, B? Yo, how 'bout you come and ride on this dick?"

"Come on bro, not today." As Blake says that the girl shows a middle figure at them, but loses her balance and falls into the grass. Nate burst out laughing and drives quickly.

"Not cool dude"

Nate looks at his brother and gives him a cheeky smile, "Whoops"


Finally, I published this.
Amen! Anyway hope you
enjoy this chapter!

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