07 | Cheating?

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RUE: I called Blake that night and vented to him about the whole situation with me and Jules. To be honest, it felt good opening up, plus Blake made a great listener.

"Wait wait so you kissed her then left? Rue what kind of messed up thing is that" Blake said. He was currently trying to complete his Maths homework that was due tomorrow.

"I know I know but I freaked out and I-I didn't know what to do!" The voice on her end got silent. He puts down his pen and put all his focus on his friend.

"Was it good?"


"Come on, I'm curious. Were her lips soft? Was it crusty? dusty? musty?" He heard Rue laugh on the other side of the phone, he smiled at that. He had completed his job, in making her smile.

"You're an idiot"

"I know, I never said I wasn't one" He could picture the girl shaking her head.

He heard her sigh, "Thanks...for listening and not judging. You're my good friend you know that right?"

"I know Ruby. Just wish you would open up more...hey I have to go, talk later okay?" Rue agreed and hang up the phone.

He felt bad for his friend, really. She didn't have the best life and didn't have many genuine friends and the friends that she considered having was a drug dealer who was twice her age, himself and Jules, who she had some issues with. He made a mental note to bring some cake to school to cheer her up tomorrow.

Taking a break, he goes online to look for promises rings, ones that are custom made. Finding the one store that interests him he saves it.

As he goes back to doing his homework he heard a pattern knock on his door. He ignored it. Until it knocked three more times. He huffed, got off of his chair and opened the door. He folded his arms at the person.

"What the hell is this?" He asked. Nate stood by the door with Blake's favourite cheesecake, cookies and cream with extra whip cream and caramel syrup. Blake stared at the cake, tempted to take it but remembered why he was mad at Nate.

"A peace offering. Look I can't take you being mad at me. If your mad it messes with my mood so just talk to me, okay man?"

Blake slammed the door and head back to his set. He pick up his pen and started back writing, ignoring the creak of the door opening.

"Please Blake. You're my bro" Begged Nate but Blake ignored him. Nate puts the cheesecake next to Blake on the table and stood there, just watching him do his assignment.

"Blakey, Big Lake, Blakester, Blakenstein?" Said Nate as he leans his brother, resting his chin on his shoulder. Blake tried to keep the smile down.

"Cornblakes" He was a sucker for lame nicknames.

He burst out laughing at the name, making Nate smile. Blake shoves Nate off of him and turns his chair around to face his brother. The laughter dies off as he stares at him.

"Seriously? Cornblakes?"

"If Rue can say it why can't I?"

"Because she's Rue, duh and she says Frosted Blakes, not Cornblakes"

"Same thing and I'm your brother"

"You know I think you're adopted" Nate shoves him, making the older twin chuckle. Blake picks up the cheesecake and takes a bite out of it.

"So we cool?"

Blake looks down at the cake then at his brother, "Yeah we cool, but do that shit again and I'll beat you"

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