11 | Pretty Brown Eyes

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Pretty Brown Eyes,
Makes my heart rise.
Feel like I've won.
Such a pretty big prize.

RUE: Ever since Josh was young he realized that he was different. Sure he liked playing rough, and sports but he didn't like people who he was supposed to and Blake Jacobs was to blame.

He hated Blake because of how nice he was but then it turned into hatred when the boy made him feel all sorts of things.

Do you ever wonder
what it's like
to be in love...?

One Day

we should go
To neverland
and never look back
on what we left.

He hated it so much. Those feelings. Every time he saw the boy, his heart would race, both negatively and positively. It was disgusting. Sometimes he wanted to slap his face but then hug it.

He watches Blake go help the old lady. Josh shakes his head and head inside his house.

Let's start a new one.
Oh pretty brown eyes
makes my heart run
Ooh sweetheart
Take the blame
Of making me like this.

When he was 13 that's when he realized he wasn't normal. Now he had realized this before, only this time he actually realizes it and accepts it. This was when shit hit the fan, his father had died. The only person who was able to help him grieve properly was Blake. This was the time when Blake became friends with Josh. Josh was ecstatic even though he didn't show it.

Do you ever wonder
what it's like
to be in love?

One Day we should run
To neverland
and never look back
on what we left.

When he turned 15, that's when shit hit the fan. He was in love with his best friend. He never expected it to hit him hard but when he saw Blake in his suit for the school dance, he got into a trance. The suit looked amazing on him, but Josh. Josh thought he look beautiful. Simp. But he wouldn't tell Blake that so instead he said,

"You look like shit. Fix your hair up man and why did you buy that tux? It looks shitty on you, should have bought a white or something. It looks cheap." Ouch. It lowered Blake's self-esteem but he still kept a smile-again how the fuck is he still friends with him?!

Josh frowned when he realized what he said. He couldn't take it back, what's done has been done. So instead of lashing out, he started making music.

Each day goes by
it makes my heart cry
Not having you,
at the fullest around.

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