14 | Bean

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"Cass..wait...I need...Holy shit I'm old" Blake pants. He remembers being so good at dancing now he's so tired that he can't even feel his legs. Cassie chuckles and grabs his hand carrying him to the table. Lexi and Kat watched the boy in amusement.

"So you can play football and hockey and soccer but you can't dance?"

"Shut...up...Ka-oh god my legs hurt" The group of girls chuckle. After catching his breath, he asked Cassie and the other girls if they wanted a drink.

The blonde watch her boyfriend walk away, she sadly smiles at his figure.

"Cassie?" The nurse called, the blonde hugged her mother and told her and her sister that she was fine. She followed the nurse and took a seat on the vacant chair.  The nurse starts asking her questions about her family history on whether they have depression or substance abuse issues.

 "Okay. How do you feel about being here today? Asked the nurse, she watches Cassie's expression, "Nervous, I guess."

"Do you have any reservations about the procedure? Any second thoughts?"


"Come with me." She follows her into a room filled with other nurses and doctors. She lays on the bed and watches the white ceiling. She didn't want to see what was going to happen.

"This will help with the discomfort. Some patients like to listen to music. And just a little pinch." The doctor explained, " I know just do it already"

She puts the earphones into her ears and listens to music, Cassie imagines herself ice skating, enjoying the feeling it gave her. Then her memory turns into a dream, a dream of her, Blake and Bean. A dream of what could happen, "I'm sorry bean..."


Two friends were hanging out in the hallway of the school. The blonde held a football, while the brunette was ready to receive it.

"Yo, I'm ready! Throw it!" The brunette yelled to his friend. The blonde leaned back and throw the ball. The brunette wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He was more focused on catching the ball. He caught it but didn't see the blonde girl behind him, making the both of them fall.

"God you're heavy," The blonde said, Blake looked down and see a blue-eyed blonde. He couldn't help but stare at her. He saw her around the school a couple of times, even hanging out with his brother's girlfriend Maddy, but never really spoke to her.

"You're gorgeous" The blonde blinked at him, not expecting that response. A light blush came onto her cheeks as she tries to shove the boy off of her.

Realizing what she was trying to do, he got up, grabbing her hands as well, "I guess I fell for you haha"

She looked back at him and smiled, but didn't give him her name. Blake's friend came up to him watching his friend, feeling confused

"You okay dude?" Blake looks down at his hands and smiles, remembering the girl's touch.

"I think I just met the love of my life."


"How do you feel?" Her mom, Suzie asked. Cassie could only stare at the blank white walls, feeling empty.

"You know you have to tell him...this is going to crush him, but you have to do it," Suzie said, rubbing her daughter's arm. Cassie looks at her mother and nods her head. She knew she has to tell him but the sad, hurt looked he would give her would hurt her even more. She knew he wouldn't be so mad, he would only be mad that she didn't tell him before doing it.


Blake comes back with two bottles of water, he handed one to  Cassie and starts drinking his own, "Where's the punch?"

"Oh, uh you can't drink it. It has alcohol in it." She watches him, she was about to tell him how she can drink but remembered she hasn't told him anything about the...issue. She took the bottle and thank him.

Blake watches his brother head to their table, "Maddy get up" Nate stated. Blake watch the duo argue until he heard Nate call her a bitch.

"Yo, bro relax. Don't be calling anyone that while in front of me" Nate was about to argue until he saw the look Blake gave him. He huffed and kindly asked Maddy to come with him, which she did.

Cassie leans her head on Blake's chest as he plays with one of her fingers, somehow they ended up having a thumb war. Until they heard a slamming noise on the table. The trio watched the blonde girl, named Natalie, sit down at the table with tears running down her face ruining her mascara.

Cassie was the first one to welcome the girl, "Hi..."

"Hi. I thought this was gonna be, like, a night I'd remember forever." She sniffles. Blake took out his rag and gave it to her which she was grateful for.

"Yeah, my brother is an ass at times" Natalie turns her head to Blake.

"That's your brother? Wait you're the guy who couldn't tie his tie?"


"I pity you"

"Well, I think you will remember it forever. " Blake wanted to laugh at what Lexi said but he felt a light slap on his leg signalling not to "Like, not in a bad way. Just... in a way that stays with you."



Two days after the dance, Blake decided to call Fez to see how he's been doing. He just saw the missed calls and felt bad that he didn't pick up, but Cassie was a very distracting girl. After calling twice his friend picked up, "Yo, wassup?"

"Nothing just wanted to see how you and Ash doing man"

"We good"  Normally Fez would be more vocal considering he doesn't talk a lot, but Blake got a weird feeling about this.

"You okay bro? You sounding off"

"I think you should stay away from here for a bit man" Blake pulled the phone away and looked at the number, wondering if this is really Fezco he was talking to. The name is the same, the voice is the same, and the number is the same.


"Ion like your bro, so ima keep my distance."


"Dude is a fucking snitch and I don't deal with snitches. Blake, man, I love you homie but your bro messing up with my business and I don't deal with that"

Blake nodded, feeling a little hurt, but he didn't voice it, "Alright"

He hung up the phone. What could Nate do that would make Fez act like this? He couldn't think of anything, sure his brother is an ass but he wouldn't even go near Fez. Blake looked at his phone one more time before heading out of the room.


Season 2 next baby!
Finally, we have finished
Season 1. Having an abortion
is a serious, heavy thing to do.
Please be careful everyone.

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