09 | Which Jacobs?

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Before leaving the fair, Blake tried calling Cassie but she wouldn't answer. He couldn't understand why she is angry at him when he should be the one to be angry. She accused him of cheating and yet... he couldn't find it in his head to do so. He went home and sleep, not prepared for the events that would soon come on Monday.

The first thing he noticed at school was that some, not a lot but some students were looking at him weirdly, more like pity. Did they see him and Cassie yelling at each other? He questioned in his head. He goes into his locker to take out his books for his first-class when suddenly the locker slams shut.

"Josh it's too early for this man. I'm not in the mood" Blake groggily said. Josh took the books out of Blake's arms. The brown-haired boy huffs and folds his arms, leaning his frame onto his locker.

"Okay dude, don't get mad. I know you don't want to hear me talk bad about Cassie but she-" Before he could finish his sentence Blake cut him off, "Dude I mean it. Shut up about her, ain't gonna let you disrespect her."

He aggressively grabs the books out of Josh's hand and heads to class, not looking back at his friend's sullen face.


RUE: Haven't seen me in a while yeah? I had my own shit to deal with, just like Blake. Josh is a good friend. May come off as a jerk but he's the best friend Blake ever had.

The only difference is when it comes to Cassie...Blake's brain would turn off. Literally. Anytime Josh would say something about Cassie Blake would instantly shut him down.

Josh hated Cassie but he wouldn't tell Blake that. He made that mistake once and vowed to never do it again. Blake stopped talking to him for months and all he said was 'Cassie is a fucking hoe'

When Blake finds someone he likes, he puts all his attention on them so Cassie wasn't an exception. It wasn't some stalker shit attention, just sweet and endearing. Josh couldn't stand it. In some ways he was- wait no is jealous of Cassie. 

I mean she took up all of his friend's attention. Anytime they would plan to hang out or do something, the witch would call.

Josh has so many names for her. She-devil, The Wicked Witch of East Highland, Dracula. Okay Dracula is funny, because when I asked him why he calls her that he said 'Because she sucks the energy out of you, blah blah blah'. The next one and this one is my favourite is Cuntmuffin. Like what the fuck is a cuntmuffin? I don't know it just sounds funny.


Blake sat down in math class next to Maddy who was busy away texting on her phone. She looked up and smiled at him, "Hey Blake, whoa what's wrong with you?"

"Cassie" Maddy leans up from her seat and paid full attention to him. She asked him what was wrong.

"She accused me of cheating on her. Me! Of All people!" He says. Maddy looks at him noticing the sad look he had on. It kind of reminded her of a sad puppy whose owner left him. Yep, that's what Blake looked like to her, all he was missing was some ears and a tail.

"She told me. Look, maybe buy her some jewellery or a jacket. I don't think you'd cheat. Can't even see that." She suggested. Blake raises his head at her and gives her a small smile.

"You think she would like a poem?" 

Again, how the fuck could Cassie think he's cheating? Wish Nate was like this, Maddy thought. She smiles at him, "Any girl would be fucking dumb to not like that"

He nods his head. He looks at her and noticed her attire. She wasn't wearing her signature glamorous outfit, she was more hiding herself today with a dark hoodie and some shades hooked onto her shirt. "Are you okay? You don't look like your usual self"

She pulls the hoodie up to try and cover herself, "Just not feeling myself today"

"I think you look beautiful every day. Even in your gremlin get up. It's cute" She scowls at him and asked, "So you're saying I look like an ugly gremlin?"

"No, you're a cute gremlin. Since when they are ugly?"

"Bitch you for real? Those little midgets are fucking ugly"

"Well, your ugly is different from my ugly. I think they are cute." She laughs and shakes her head at him which made him smile. The teacher came and gave them their test for the class.


The next period both  Nate and  Blake had a class together. It was history. The principal came in through the door. "Mr Jacobs, can you please come with me?"

Blake looked at his brother who held the same confused face. Nate asked " What?" but the principal kept saying the same thing. Both Blake and Nate looked at each other than at him and said, "Which one?"

The principal looked at the two feelings weirded out. He couldn't tell the difference as to which is which since they had a similar style, same height and acted the same. "Both of you"

They left their items in class and followed the man to the principal office. During their walk, Blake looked at Nate who started sweating. He notice that his presence smelled of anxiousness. He passed by Cassie and Lexi who stared at him but his focus was on Cassie.

"You don't understand, Mom, he didn't do it," Maddy exclaimed but her mother wasn't listening. She was filled with anger from hearing that her daughter was abused. Sonia looked at the marks on her daughter's neck. It wasn't as visible as before but you could still see a light handprint.

"Then who did? Was it Blake?"  Her mother asked.

Maddy's eyes widen with fury at the accusation, "My god how can you say that? It wasn't Blake and It wasn't Nate."

"I believe the Blake part but not Nate. Maddy stops lying."

"I'm not lying!"

"I've always hated that boy. I'm not gonna let this son of a bitch attack my daughter and get away with it. Right?" Soon, the mother and daughter started yelling about pressing charges on the youngest Jacobs boy.

Maddy starts crying from all of the frustrations coming at her. The principal asked her mother if she wanted to press charges and Maddy's heart broke when she heard the answer.

"I am going to press charges."


Blake tried calming Nate down who was freaking out about the whole incident. Nate whispered that he accidentally grabbed Maddy by the neck. Blake looked at his brother in shock, never thinking that he would be the one to lay his hands on a girl. He told him that everything would be alright and that he needs to calm down which Nate did.

Blake was feeling conflicted by his morals. He doesn't like when men put their hands on women but at the same time this was his brother, he didn't know what to do. Their dad, Cal entered the room and started asking questions on if Nate did it. Blake held a monotone expression when his brother lied to their father. At this point, he didn't know what do to.

His dad asked him to step out which he did. He goes to his mom and asked if he could come home early. Seeing that he was called into this, she decided to let him come home with them. All Blake could think about is that he really didn't know his brother. At All.


Not how I wanted this
to go but it was already
in drafts. Thanks for reading
everyone, we have over 1K views
like holy shit and this work is a week old. Damn.

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