06 | Free Food

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(Hello, just making a quick note. Someone PM me asking me to add more detailed smut, which I suck at but I don't mind trying it. Not sure if most of you guys would be comfortable with it)

Blake was home, talking to Ash on discord playing a game. He didn't have anything to do, he did his training earlier, completed his homework, helped his mom around the house, and now he was bored. He tried calling Josh asking him if he wanted to hang out but he said he was busy, so then he tried calling Cassie asking if she wanted to go on a date but she said that she is busy, Blake frowned but told her to have fun.

"Yo Ash youre going to get us kill man! I don't wanna die!" Ashtray yelled at him through the earphones making the boy's earring. As he was about to shoot a member of the opposing team, Ashtray got his character killed which made Blake die. He groans at the red 'You Lost' sign.

"You suck Ash- hold on someone calling me" He picks up the phone and answered the call. It was Kat.

"Can you come pick me up and carry me to Fez?" She asked nervously.

"Huh? How come you want me to come?" He questioned, sure he had no bad thoughts about Kat but they never spend much time together unless it was with the group and even then it wasn't much.

"I feel like we don't talk much" His brow furrowed.

"What is it you really need me for Kat?"

"I want you to drop me off a few places," He thought it over. He didn't have anything to do today and he still isn't talking to Nate, plus he was getting tired of Ashtray trying to kill the other team members and making their group die.

"I'll buy you some Mcdonald"

"Be there in 10"


Blake parks his car next to the grocery. Both him and Kat got out and head into the store. They last Fez, to which they greeted and head inside another part of the store where Ash is located.

"Hey Ash," Blake said smiling at the boy. Ash looked up at the duo and nodded his head at them.

"What's up?" Kat hands him her phone. Ash scrolls through it and found what he was looking for.

"Mm... received. All right. Twenty, 40, 60, 80, 100. Twenty, 40, and 60." As Ash checked the money, Blake kept looking between the young drug dealer and his friend wondering where the fuck did she get all this money. He knew Kat's parents wouldn't just give her all that money, so she had to be getting it somewhere else. Is she prostituting? Is that why she was so nervous in asking him to carry her out?

"One-sixty?" Kat said, Ash, tilts his head and replies "Twenty per cent banking fee."

She sighs," Fine."

Ash gave her a cheeky smirk, before leaning back in his seat, "Pleasure doing business with you."

Kat walks out of the store leaving a dazed Blake behind, Ash snaps his fingers in front of the boy's face bringing him back to reality. He quickly leaves the store asking "Where the hell did you get all that money?!"


Blake huff's as he carries all of the shopping bags. When Kat said she would offer him food, he didn't expect that he would have to work for free food. He didn't complain, but he was getting tired of seeing so much Makeup. He didn't even like looking at makeup, he prefers natural beauty and all that. Plus, Make-up is expensive.

"Do you think people are 100 per cent straight? 100 per cent gay?" Asked Maddy, who was leaning her body weight onto Blake.

"No, 'cause obviously there's, like, bi people, asexual, pan... Sexuality is, like, a spectrum, y'know?"

"Yeah. Totally." She then turns to Blake and expects him to answer, but he was only left confused.


"Bitch I'm talking to you too"

"No need to be rude princess. How was I supposed to know?"

"Uh you're right here, just answer the damn question" She huffs, Blake shifted one of the bags onto his other arms.

"Mhm, no, we aren't 100 per cent straight. Even if we are straight we sometimes think about how would it be like to be with the same gender"

"So you think about it is what you're saying?"

"Mhm, I don't think about it daily but there are times I see something and then I question what it is like. Doesn't make me gay"

"But that's contradicting"

"What would you know about that?"


Blake laughs at her. He really likes Maddy. He found her personality to be funny, especially when she responds to things, it makes it even funnier about the stuff she says.

Kat shakes her head at her friends" Why ask?"

"I don't know. Do you think straight guys ever, like, watch gay porn?" Maddy asks as she walks faster with Kat.

"Not if they're a hundred per cent straight."

Blake tries to keep up but at this point, he's starting to feel really hungry. Maddy looks at him, realizing what she wants Blake blushed at the type of conversation they were having.

"Uh, you should be asking if guys watch gay porn and um jerks to it. I'm a curious person, so I'd watch it once in a while but I don't jerks off to it." He says, the redness in his cheeks hasn't gone down yet and the way that the two girls are staring at him made it even worst.

"But why?"

He shifts the bags to the other hand and scratches the back of his head, "Um like I said curiosity. Sometimes we watch it for techniques since it's more realistic than straight porn."

"But all porn is fake

He groans, " I mean the moaning isn't exaggerated or the scenes. If a guy watches gay porn and jerks off to it then he's either gay or bi. But most guys wouldn't be honest about it"

Both Maddy and Kat accepted his response since he is a guy. The girls continue to talk while Blake blanked out their conversation. He started thinking about what he would cook for later, either Chinese or just w regular cooked meal. Maybe he could watch some Anne Burrell or maybe some Guy Ferri. He wondered if Gordon Ramsay had some simple food that he could make.

While thinking about those things, he didn't notice the two girls looking at him.

"I can't talk about it with him there. What if he tells Nate?"

"Maddy, Blake is fine, he can keep it a secret"

"Yeah, but when it comes to Nate?" Kat thought over the girl's question but realize she is right. She goes into her wallet and takes out some money. She pushes the money in front of Blake.

"What's this for? My hands are full"

"Go buy some food. We're just going to walk around for a bit"

He raises his brows at them, "But wouldn't you want to eat as well? We can go together"

Kat smiles at his gesture, "No we're fine. You can even buy that drink you like so much. Just leave the bags with us"

Without giving them a second glance, he rest the bags on the floor, took the money from Kat and dashed off to fill his stomach.

New chapter! I finished
my assignments but I got
a new set from another teacher >.>

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