08 | What a Night.

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Blake quickly takes out his phone to call Josh, to tell him what's up. Josh answered and told him that he was behind the pretzel booth taking a joint with Fez. Blake hangs up the phone and head straight there but not before buying a beer.

"Ayo my homie, wassup with you?" Josh slurred. Blake looks at his friend's eye and notices it wasn't red. Good, he wasn't high. He gave Fez a fist bump and grabs the vacant stool and brings it closer to Josh.

"Cassie accused me of cheating" Josh coughs from the shock of his word. Fez cuffs the boy's back which he was thankful for. After calming himself down, he turns to his best friend.

"For real?"

"Yeah, she started ranting off on me because a girl said she would see me later. Like bro, I don't even know who the hell she was." Blake exclaims. He takes a sip of his beer. Josh grabs the beer from Blake and starts drinking it. Once he was done he handed back the bottle to his friend. Blake groans when he shakes the empty bottle.

"And you told her that?"

"She didn't believe me. So then I mentioned how I trust her even after the shit people told me"

"Are you an idiot?"

"Yes, I am. But I'm not going to be ignorant and pretend there isn't shit on her. I want to be honest so yeah I told her." Josh nodded his head. He told Fez to make another joint for him and paid him the money.

"I still say you should dump her. Something ain't right with her man" Blake raises his eyes at his friend. He was confused about that statement.

"What do you mean" Josh didn't like the tone Blake used. Even though Blake was annoyed at Cassie, he wasn't about to let anyone disrespect her. Josh looked at his friend cautiously. He thought over his words carefully before replying.

"Look dude, don't get mad at me but have you ever noticed how she watches Nate?" Blake leaned back in his seat, brows furrowed together.

"Nate? The fuck does he have to do with this?" Blake asked but Josh didn't reply. Blake looked at Fez who was more paying attention to the stand that his brother was running.

"Cassie isn't Nate's type if that's what you're implying. He wouldn't do shit and he wouldn't do that to me. Plus she doesn't even like guys like him" Josh watched as his friend got railed up with anger. Seeing as this could go bad, he got off of his seat and stooped in front of Blake, gripping his shoulder tightly, but not tight enough to hurt him.

"Look man, I'm sorry alright. I just care for you. I won't talk about that again okay?" Blake nodded his head but the idea of his brother being with Cassie made him sick. He knows that Nate wouldn't do that and Cassie? She would more dump him than cheat on him with someone.

Josh watch sadly as Blake walks away from him and heads in the direction where his father's booth was located. He hurts his heart to see his friend like this but there was nothing he could do but support him.


Blake chows down on the chilli from the cup. Nate looks over him with shock.

"So she deadass thought you were cheating?" He nods his head at his brother. Nate whistled and looked at Blake again noticing the sad look he had on. He claps his hand on Blake's back making the boy choke on his food.

"Dude fuck her. If she doesn't believe that you of all people won't cheat on her then fuck her. Get a new bitch and fuck her" Blake shakes his head. As he was about to reply, he saw Jules walk up to the stand.

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