02 | Dont listen to Nate

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Warning: This chapter contains slight smut, based on the Euphoria episode.

Rue: NOW when Mckay was still going to East Highland High School, he and Cassie used to date but it had caused some issues for him so they had to break it off. When Blake got feelings for her, instead of dating her right away, he asked Mckay if he could fucking date her. Who the fuck does that? He said he didn't want to cause any drama so he asked which Mckay respected him for. Now they were going strong for a year.

Nate and Blake took a shot of tequila, Nate taking more. Blake wasn't a drinker. The last time he got drunk (because of Josh and Nate) he started pole dancing and started skinny dipping in the pool after he said he would stick to beers. Nate sits next to Blake and says "Yo, so, Cassie's a whore. Fact."

Blake frowns and was quick to defend his girlfriend," No, she's not. Fact. She's not even that type of girl."

"Oh. Have you seen her slut pages, though?"

Blake was confused. Before he started dating Cassie, a few of her photos and videos of her were circulating the internet. He didn't care for that, it was in the past.


"They're wild, yo."

Josh sits next to Blake on his left and takes the beer from the boy and starts drinking it, "She's like a fuckin' freak man"

"She likes Anal dude, from anyone. That's fucking kinky" A random teen said. Blake looks at him in confusion.

"Who the fuck is you?"

The boy quickly shuts up and went back to drinking his beer.

"Cassie's on the slut pages? Yo, we gotta see this shit." The Mckay twins said as they enter the room.

"Yo, what are y'all even doing out the room, man? Go back upstairs, bro." Mckay gets up and tries to shove them out of the room.


"Thing one and thing two. Take it up." Both Blake and Josh chuckles at that.

The twins groan" Oh, yo."

"Take it up," Mckay said but Nate rest his hands on his friend's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"Relax. No one gets here till ten." Replied Nate.

"What's up, Nate? What's good, what's good, good lookin'. Ey Blake, bro we haven't seen you in ages, what's up?" They both gave the Jacobs twins a fist bump. Mckay sits back down next to Blake.

"Look, all I'm saying is, I think you did Cassie. That's it."

Blake looks at Mckay, then at Nate, who was staring at him. Blake glares at him, hoping that they were just joking.

Rue: YO, it's Rue, now I wouldn't be surprised if Nate did that to his own brother, he's a fucking dog who would hump on any females that he finds attractive so I wouldn't put it past him to do Blake that but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Whether I like her or not is irrelevant. The fact is, she's a fucking whore through and through. Yo B, Blake, relax, I didn't fuck her bro." Blake glares at him once more but then turned his attention to Josh.

"So Josh hows it going with you and Kat?"

"Dude, she gave me a kiss then fucking ghosted me." Josh runs his hand through his hair, Blake looks at his friend in confusion, remembering that the two of them had mentioned that they really liked each other.

"What? But I thought she said that she really likes you? What did you do?"

"B, I didn't even do shit. I took her out on a date, I followed your advice and acted like the world's best fucking gentleman, she said she liked how I treated her, kissed me and the next day she fucking ghosted me"

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