Chapter 1

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Tams POV: I woke up to the sound of my imparter. When I answer after like 2 minutes I see Bianas face on the screen.
"What do you want at 6 in the morning?" I whisper annoyed that I was woken up so early.
"I wanted to see if you and Linh want to sleepover at Everglen for the week?" She asks me and I sigh.
Knowing Linh there is no way I am getting I am getting out of this but I don't wanna go.
"Please Tammy." Biana begs and I'm hesitant and she knows it so she adds-
"Fitz, Sophie, Dex, and Keefe will be there." She adds extra emphasis on Keefe.
Ugh why did I tell he I like him?! I mentally scold myself knowing that she would use this as blackmail.
"Ugh fine." I finally cave not having enough energy to bicker plus it gave me an excuse to see Keefe.
"Yay! Be here at 7!" Biana exclaims than she hangs up.
"So we're spending the week at Everglen Tam?" Linh asks and I nod. I tug on my silver bangs which is an annoying nervous habit. Linh giggles and rushed to pack her stuff. My mind wanders to Keefe
I hate that I have to pretend to hate him. He is actually really cute with his blond carefully styled hair and ice blue ey- stop thinking like that Tam!
I pack my things for a week. After that a take a nice hot shower and style my hair. After I am done getting ready I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. I patiently waited for Linh to come downstairs by the leap master. She finally came down to the leap master after 15 minutes.
"Sorry I took so long Tam." Linh says apologetically and smile at me. I sigh and smile back.
"It's fine Linh." I tell her.
She knows that I can't stay or even be mad at her so why dose she keep apologizing? She is to nice for her own good and one day she will realize that being nice can't fix everything. I learned that the hard way. I think and shake my head. I don't want to think of the times on where I was considered weak because I was nice.
"You there Tam? You zoned out for like 5 minutes." She asks me concern fills her voice. I hate that I hate worrying her.
"Ya I'm fine Linh sorry just thinking about something." I tell her and give her my best fake smile. I know she knows it's fake but doesn't question me.
"Okay but remember you can always talk to me if you need to. I'll always be there for you just like you have been there for me." She tells me and hugs me and I hug back.
"I know sis. Love you."
"Love you to Tam." We brake the hug and I say-
"Let's get going now." Linh let's out a cute squeal and I laugh slightly.
She is so cute when she is like this. I think.
I do not ship them when he says Linh is cute he means in a sibling way! -Adriana
We then leap away to Everglen. When we get there the first thing we see are the blinding gates. We walk through them just to be tackled by....

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