Chapter 5

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Bianas POV: "Alrighty they have been gone for an HOUR at this point. I think we should make sure they haven't killed each other at this point." I say.
"Ya honestly I'd be shocked if they haven't killed each other." Sophie says and Fitz agrees with her.
"Okay let's go then." Lihn says and Dex nods. We all run outside and it's nice just being normal teenagers for once in our lives.
"I've missed this you know." I say.
"Miss what?" My brother asks me and I reply-
"Being kids again." I say and everyone smile at me.
"Me to B me to." Fitz says.
"And I've missed this." He then picks me up spins me around both of us laugh the he throws me and lifts me up with telekinesis.
"Aren't we suppose to be looking for Keefe and Tam?" Dex asks.
"Ya we are." Lion says and we begin looking around again. After 30 minutes we go to the lake and we go quiet because we see people laying down sleeping and I realize that it's keefe and Tam!
"Guys it's them!" I whisper yell.
"No way." Dex mumbles and I Laugh.
"It is Dex. And look their cuddling." Lihn says smirking.
"Alrighty that's cute." Sophie says.
"I 100% agree with you on that one Sophie." Fitz says and everyone nods.
"Should we leave them be?" I asks.
"YES!" Everyone whisper yells at me.
"Jeez okay you don't have it get mad." I say and they laugh and we go back to my room talking about what we just saw. I smiled knowing Keefe and Tam liked each other and then being as stupid as they are I decided I am going to help get them together.
I knew that they would be happy together and they deserve to be happy. I gave Sophie a look and taped my head saying let's talk telepathically.

Sophie is this
Biana is this

Hey Biana what do you need that the others can't know about?

So you know how we ran into Tam and Keefe cuddling earlier?

Ya why?


Come on B just tell me and I will help you. You can trust me.

I know so umm...

B I will add Fitz into this if I need to.

Fine. KeefeandTamlikeeachotherandIneedyourhelpgettingthemtogeth-er.

Umm can you slow down there a Bit B all I heard was gibberish in your thoughts and it kinda gave me a headache.

Okay and sorry about the yelling gibberish mess. So what I said was that Keefe and Tam like each other but they don't realize that the other likes them so I want you and the rest of the group to help me get them together.

Okay wait wait wait. Did you just say that TAM SONG and KEFEE SCENCE like each other and you want us to help you get them together?!

Yes Sophie yes.

They owe me 2 dares each!

Wait what actually I probably don't wanna know.

Ya and yes I will help you I kinda knew that they liked each other it was obvious.

Okay now let's tell the others also I am so dead because I told them I wouldn't tell anyone.

Sophie cuts the connection from our telepathic conversation.
"Guys we have something to tell you. Actually Biana dose." Sophie tells the group. And everyone turns they're attention to Biana.
"So you know how the two boys were cuddling earlier when we say them near the lake?" I ask and the rest of the group nods.
"Well, theylikeeachotherbuttheydontknowthattheotherlikesthemback." I say as quickly as possible. Sophie glares at me while the rest of the group gives me confused looks.
"What Biana was TRYING to say was that Tam and Keefe like each other but they don't know that the other likes them back." Sophie says. They looked shocked well everyone except Lihn?
"Wait Lihn your not shocked?" Sophie ask and Lihn just giggles.
"No I'm not honestly I'm shocked you all are." She tells us.
"What do you mean did you know?" Dex asks me and Lihn. We give each other a look and nod. Me and Lihn told each other the moment the boys told us that they liked each other and they we came up with a plan to get them together and now we can get the others together.
"Yes we have known that they liked each other for around 6 months now." Lihn says and all hell breaks lose. Everyone is shouting at one another and it's just chaos in my room.
"SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!" I scream and everyone shuts up real quick.
"Language Biana Amberley Vaker." Fitz scold and I roll my eyes.
"Sorry Fitz you guys yelling just annoys me and it is just chaos here so yelling just seemed like the only way to get your attention." I say.
"Can we get back to the other conversation." Sophie says.
"Ya you can't spring that on us and not plan on getting them together." Dex says.
"Okay okay." Lihn says and laughs a bit.
"Alrighty then all in favor of getting Tam and Keefe together raise their hands." Fitz says and everyone dose and gives me and Lihn a looks that says 'come on' and we glare.
"Okay now lets get planing now shall we?" I say and everyone cheers. And that's exactly what we do and know we have a plan on what to do.

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