Chapter 8

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Tams POV: I woke up on Keefe and remembered what happened a few hours ago and I went beet red. Keefe wakes up and has a look on his face that says that he is pretty embarrassed.
"Hey you good?" I ask and he blushes.
"Y-ya but can you I'm get off of me please." He says and now it my turn to blush and I nod and get off of him.
"Hey what time is it?" I ask and he looks at his imparter and his eyes widen.
"It 5:45 pm Tam!" And my eyes widen. Then we hear movement from the bushes. Keefe pulls me behind him and I blush. Then the movement stoped.
"What do you think that was?" I ask quietly.
"I have no idea." He mumbles back. Then Biana jumps out of no where and screams-
"BOO!" And I scream and Keefe freezes and Biana starts laughing like a mad woman.
"NOT funny. Also how did you do that?!" I ask.
Boy she is a vanisher do you have memory loss or something?!
"I'mma vanisher remember." She tells me and giggles as she rolls her eyes playfully.
"Soo I need to borrow Tam." She tells me and before I can protest she grabs me and dashes to her house and runs to her room. Then Sophie and Lihn come running into her room. Sophie closes and blocks off the door while Lihn just gives me a look that's says 'trust us Tammy.'
"Can someone please tell me what is going on here?" I ask and the girls give each other a look and nod.
"We are giving you a makeover!" Biana exclaims. I sink back into my chair.
"Um okay I guess." And the girls -Lihn looked shocked.
"I know you are shocked but Tam used to let me and mom put makeup on him and dress him up all the time." Lin says and smiles.
A/N- Alrighty so in my story Tam had and still dose have a great relationship with his mother and when Tam said his parents threw things last chapter he meant to say that his mom threw things at his dad but it ended up getting tossed at him. Yes the others know about his relationship with his mother to.
"Okay so he's used to this?" Sophie asks and me and Lihn nod.
"Okay then let's get started. So first put on these." Biana says handing me a pile of clothes and pushes me into the bathroom to change. After I take off my clothes I stare at my body and all I see is an ugly boy standing in front of my.
A/N- Sorry that I am doing a SECOND a/n but I felt that I needed to say this. If you haven't noticed I try and relate my character to real life problems. Like the parents fighting and the silliness of siblings even the relationship with friends and family. So I felt I needed to add this. This is something I personally struggle with. Body image. So I felt like adding this in.
I want to cry at this moment. I just want Lihn  or my mom. I struggle with Depersonalization-derealization disorder which means I focus on my flaws and I don't see myself clearly or I don't see it as others do. So I can't notice the good things about my body. Normally my mom or Lihn help me but right now I am on my own. I hate they way I look my weight my voice my face everything. I then here Biana knock on the door.
"Tam you okay?" Bi asks me and I lie and say.
"Yes." Lihn knows I'm lying and asks -
"Tammy is it your BDD again?" And I feel tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Mmh." I mumble.
"Change quickly and come out I will help you like always I promise." Lihn says quietly.
"Okay sis." And I change into my outfit and I hate it but I love it. But it is was to reveling for someone like me.

I step out blushing like crazy prepared to cry because of how much skin it shows

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I step out blushing like crazy prepared to cry because of how much skin it shows.
"Hey we have another outfit if you like." Biana asks gently and I nod. The girls smile at me.
"Hey you look amazing but it's your choice." Sophie says and I smile.
"Ya whatever makes you comfortable." Lihn says.
"Also you have an amazing body and we can help you if you like?" Biana says and I tackle them in a hug.
"Thank you and yes please." I say and they hug me back.
"It's nothing Tam." All the girls say and I let go.
"Now go change if you still want to." Sophie tells me and I change into the other outfit.

-No heels though

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-No heels though.

I smile I like this one. It's not very reveling which I like. I walk out and smile.
"You look just as good in this outfit as the other one." Lihn says and that makes me smile even bigger.
"Now do you want help with your BDD?" Biana asks and I nod.
"Okay so let's go to Bianas full body mirror." Sophie says and I nod nervously.
"Now point out what you DONT like about yourself." Biana says and I point to my stomach, my arms, legs, face, and just everything about my body. All the girls look like they ways to cry.
"Okay than um point to what you like about your body please Tam." Sophie says and I point to nothing.
"Come on Tammy there has to be something that you like about yourself." Lihn says and when I shake my head the girls have tears in their eyes threatening to spill.
"Okay so now WE are pointing to the things we love about you okay?" Biana tells me and I nod.
"I'll go first." Lihn says and she points to everything about me. Then Biana goes and she dose the same.
Sophie goes last and like Biana and Lihn point to everything about me. The girls smile at me and I smile back tears running down my face.
"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much what you just told me means to me." I tell them and they pull me into a nice long hug.
"It's nothing Tam." Biana tells me.
"Ya I mean you are perfect just they way you are." Lihn tells me.
"Ya don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise because honestly their just insecure." Sophie tells me a and I smile at them and for once it's not fake.
"Now onto the hair." Biana says smirking evilly after we brake the second hug and I just accept defeat.
"Fine but just so you know I'm only not fighting you on this because I know you and I know it is pointless to fight because you will somehow find a way to make me agree." I say and Biana squeals.
"I wish you luck Tam." Sophie tells me and I sigh.
Hey it makes them happy and honestly I don't mind dressing like this and having them do my hair because I know they won't ruin it. Plus I owe them they are helping me with BDD so I suppose it's not to bad. Plus it reminds me of back home and the good times with mom and Lihn. I think and smile. Biana leads me to her makeup chair and she pushes away hue makeup and brings out hair tools.
"You okay with this though? We don't have to do this if you don't want to or feel uncomfortable." Biana asks me before we start.
"No it's okay." I say smiling and she smiles back. She than gets to work and we talk about random things. After a few hours the Biana is done and I am blown away by the result.

 After a few hours the Biana is done and I am blown away by the result

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Now me and the girls are just talking.

1327 words not including this.

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