Chapter 3

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Tams POV: I wasn't paying attention to the game I was way to focused on a blond light blue eyed elf. I then suddenly felt a splash of ice cold water being dumped on my head. My bangs fell into my face.
"What the actual heck Lihn?" I ask Lihn annoyed at her. She looks at me apologetically and says sweetly as she makes the water evaporate and I am dry again.
"Sorry Tam it was a dare." And I sigh and I annoyingly can't stay mad at her. I look around and Bianas hair is pink and Dex looks emo. Sophie and Fitz don't look different so my guess is that they picked truth.
"It's fine sis it was just a dare anyway plus I'm used to it." She smiles at me kindly but I don't return the gesture.
"You do realize that you were zoned out for like 2 hours right? It's already 11 am." Biana asked me and I am shocked I knew I was zoned out but I didn't expect it to be that long.
"Tam you know it normal to zone out right? I zone out all the time it's honestly nice it's an escape from reality in a way." Sophie says and I nod.  Then I realize that they were playing for 2 hours but so little had changed so I'm really shocked. I then look over a Keefe who seems to be just a dazed as I was just moments ago.
"We were trying to snap you out of it for like 10-20 minutes but nothing worked." Dex says and I realize that Sophie or Fitz could have been reading my mind.
"We weren't reading your mind if that's what you are nervous about." Fitz tells me and I let out a breath.
"We also took a break a while ago because we noticed that both you and Keefe weren't paying attention to the game. And he ended up falling asleep." Fitz adds.
"Any idea on how to snap him out of his daze?" Sophie asks and I smirk.
"How about for not paying attention and falling asleep we do something to his hair?" And everyone looks at me like I have a death wish.
"What?" I ask generally confused.
"Are. You. Insane!?" Biana whisper shouts at me.
"Me and B messed up his hair for a dare a while back and um to put it as simply as possible we were pranked for MONTHS on end. No breaks." Dex says  and he and Biana shudder.
"Meh whatever it seems fun. Plus it gives us an excuse to get him back for all the pranks he has pulled on us." Sophie says and I smirk.
"I like this Sophie." I say and Sophie looks happy.
"Isn't that a tad to mean I mean he loves his hair so much. Maybe as much as you Tam." Lihn says while the rest of us sigh and I shake my head and give her a look that says not possible.
"Please Lihn it will be fun."  Fitz begs but she still doesn't agree so I say-
"Common I will bye you a pet of you agree." And that catches her attention and nods.
""Thanks you." Biana says and Fitz asks-
"Well what should we do?"
"Well I have elixirs that can make his hair really puffy." Dex says and Sophie adds-
"Let's dye his hair to. How about lime green like he did to Fitz at exilium." And with that we all get to work. I love this but I do feel at tad bad I mean I do have a crush on the guy. I walk over to my sister because she looks really nervous: I hug her and mumble-
"It'll all be okay sis."
"I know Tammy." She replies as she breaks the hug she ruffles my hair and I scowl but soon get over it. I walk over to the sleeping boy. As I get closer to him I get a better look at his face and see large dark bags under his eyes.
Holy shit when was the last time this boy has slept? I think nervously, kinda concerned about him. I snap out do it and see that Keefe had puffy, green hair.
"He is going to be so mad at us." Lihn mumbles and I walk over to her place my hands on her shoulders and say-
"It. Will. Be. Fine." And she nods.
"Nice job guys. Sophie says and I glance once again at the peacefully sleeping boy. He looks ridiculously peaceful and cute sleeping.  Keefe starts to wake up and we all rush back to our spots but I move closer towards Keefe. When Keefe wakes up I say-
"Morning Mr.Bedhead." And Keefe goes red.
"Oh shut up Song." He snaps and I flinch I hate being related to my parents they were jerks they tried to convince me and Lihn to pretend we weren't twins for crying out loud and aloud us to be sent to exilium.
"Tam I'm so sorry I forgot about the name thing. I really am sorry." He says when he sees me flinch and he dose something that I never in a millennium would have thought he would have done willingly. He hugged me.  I hug back after a second. I sorta melted into the hug. He is ridiculously warm and I love the heat. After a few minutes we hear someone clear their throat again. We immediately pull out of the hug. I see Biana glare at Fitz and he looks confused. Sophie then realizes and joins in the glaring.
"Welp this is weird. I have to use the bathroom so I'll be right back." Keefe says and I know he is in for a surprise actually I would call it a treat. It took up like 1 hour to completely set up the prank so it better be worth it. We all wait in silence and after a few minutes each hear a scream coming from the bathroom. Welp Keefe now knows about his new hairstyle.
"WHO DID THIS TO MG HAIR?!" Keefe shouts and I knew in that moment that we were screwed the moment Keefe came into this room:

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