Chapter 4

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Keefe's POV: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR?! I went to the bathroom just to see that my hair is GREEN AND POFFY! Gah why the hair?!
"WHO RUIND MY HAIR?!" I screamed as I walked into Bianas room and I glanced at Bangs Boy and saw him flinch. I walked a tad closer to Tam when the others weren't looking and he was feeling.... fear?
Why is Tam scared and why did he flinch earlier? I think curiously.
Sorry Tam. I think knowing that this would startle him and screamed-
"SHUT IT!" And everyone looked at me shocked I saw Tam flinch again and he looked like he was ready to cry in that very moment.
"Can I talk to Tam alone please?" I ask and once again everyone looks at me shocked. Well minus Biana who knows I like him.
"Um ya I guess you can if you want to." Tam tells me but I noticed that his voice cracked and that made my heart break. We both walk out of Everglen to go to the lake and I sit down pulling him with me down with me.
"So why did you want to talk?" He asks me and I sigh.
"I saw you flinch and heard your voice crack but back to the flinching." I say and he freezes and by his emotions I can tell that he is freaking out on the inside.
"Y-you did?" He asks me and he emotions change to fear.
"Ya I did know only if you are comfortable with it can you tell me why you flinched?" I ask gently and he begins to cry.
Sorry that I am making Tam soft I just think that it will fit the story better.
I am shocked and begin to panic so I rubbed his back softly hoping I won't scare the small boy.
"Hey, hey, hey. Shhhhh it's okay Tam. Everything is okay Tam. It's okay to cry it's just your body's way of saying that you have been to strong for to long." I say in the softest tone I can so I don't scare him. I put his head onto my chest and he keeps crying. I then pull him onto my lap still rubbing his back with my hand. Tam slowly calmed down and after 30-40 minutes he stops crying. He keeps his head buried in my chest. If he wasn't in pain I would have found this adorable on how he is clinging to me.
"So want to talk about it?" I ask and he sighs, looks up at me and nods. I hate seeing him upset and his emotions were to complex to read bit I don't even pay attention to them.
"Okay well, my parents used to fight a lot when me and Lihn were younger and they yelled at me more than they yelled at Lihn. They would also through things at us. Mostly me. This happens like 3-5 times a day. So now yelling and sudden movements scare me." He says blushing from embarrassment.
"Hey you know there is nothing to embarrassed about you know. It pretty normal for parents to fight." I say and he smiles at me clearly glad I'm not teasing him.
"But latter we are talking about your parents throwing things at you and Lihn because that's child abuse Tam." I say.
"Okay and um thanks Keefe." He mumbles into my chest again.
"It's nothing my parents were the same way so I know how you feel." Tam smiles into my chest. We sit there in comfortable silence and soon after I here Tam breathing go back to normal his eyes closed and I know he fell asleep.
"I promise I will keep you safe no matter what Tam I promise you that." I then lay back carefully to not wake him and lay down on my side cuddling Tam and we soon fall asleep in each others arms.

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