Chapter 9

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Tams POV: I am still in the skirt shirt and Bianas hairstyle and I honestly forgot. Then Biana and they ready if the girls exchanged a look nodded and I became very nervous. Then they stood up and grabbed me.

Sophie is this
Tam is this.

Hey Tam.

Gah Sophie what do you want?

I want to tell you that well....


Gah! I was going to tell you that we were planning but never mind.

WAIT, Sophie I'm sorry please tell me.

Sorry Tam, but no but it's only because Biana is glaring at me and will actually murder me with her bare hands and I'm in the mood to NOT die tonight. It's nice not almost being killed.

Fine I accept my fate. Sophie cuts the connection and we continue to walk. Soon we stop.
"Tam put this on okay. And don't take it off." Biana commands and I put it on not wanting to deal with this.

"There happy?"I ask and she nods.

"This is bullshit you know that right." I hear a familiar voice and I go red as I can recognize Keefe's accent anywhere.

"To bad Keefe. Blame Biana she came up with this shit." Dex says.

"Why the fuck did I have to put on a blindfold?" Me and Keefe ask at once.

Shit why is he so hot?! I thought.

"Tammy you know you said that out loud?" Lihn asks me and I can tell I go really really red.

"Don't worry I was the only one who heard you." Lihn tells me and I relax.

"ALRIGHTY BITCHES LISTEN UP!" Biana yells in my ear.

"OWWW WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID YOU YELL IN MY EAR?!" I ask. Everyone was yelling and swearing non stop. Dex then snarls.

"STOP FUCKING YELLING AND SWEARING!" Dex yells and we all shut up real quick because Dex rarely yells let alone swear.

"Wow Dexy didn't know you yell let alone swear." Keefe says and I sigh.

"Alrighty girls guys you know what to do." And they yank off our blindfolds and shove us into a large closet.

"Why are we in here?" I ask and everyone sighs in annoyance.

"Because you two are oblivious!" Fitz yells and I hear all their foot steps fade away. I look back a keefe and was in this-

 I look back a keefe and was in this-

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(To lazy to explain)

As I look at Keefe he was looking me up and down.

"I know I'm ugly." I mumble and Keefe looks at me shocked.

"Who the fuck told you that or made you believe that?!" Keefe asks me pissed off.

"I-I no one told me that I just think I am. Correction I know I'm ugly." I mumble.

"No your aren't." Keefe mumbles and I sigh.

"You don't have to lie to me. I'm an ugly stupid freak who deserves to die." I mumble and I can't look him in the eye. He gently lifted my face with two of his fingers and looks me dead in the eye and says-

"Repeat that again I DARE YOU." He demands and I stupidly repeat what I said-

"I am and ugly. Stupid. Freak. Elf that deserves to die be tortured beat and deserved to be taken away from my family and be banished." And Keefe grabs me by the top of my dress very tightly and glares at me and mumbles-

"I will make you regret saying that Tammy." I gulp and he smashed his lips onto my and I kiss back after a second. He bites my lip and I open my mouth and he explores every section of my mouth and I moan. When he breaks the kiss making me whine and his eyes are filled with care.

624 words not including these. Finally inspiration is back! Sorry this took so long. Also next chapter may include smut. Bye y'all

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