Chapter 2

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Keefe's POV: I tackle Tam for no reason. Actually that's a lie. I have a few reasons that I tackled him. 1- I got to mess up his hair, 2- it's fun, 3- I enjoy annoying him jokingly and 4- I get to hug (tackle) my crush. But of course Tam is the straightest elf in the lost cities. Ugh I'm supposed to like Sophie but I don't and she is like my little sister to me and she told me I am like he big brother so it would be very um awkward if I liked her or if she liked me. I quickly get off of Tam and offer him my hand but he just swats it away. I swear I see him blushing.
"Sorry about that bangs bo, I thought it would be fun." I tell him and he tugs on his bangs which I find adorable.
"It's okay Keefe and I guess it was fun I suppose." Tam tells me and we hear someone clear their throat.
"You two just going to flirt all day or are we going to have some fun?" Sophie  asks and I blush so badly at her comment. I quickly glance at Tam to see his reaction this this and I swear I see his pale skin go just a tad pink.
"Ya you guys are just staring at each other." Fitz says and the rest of the group nods.
"Ugh y'all are so annoying at times." Me and Tam mumble at the same time.
"Oooh talking in synch now eh?" Dex asks and Biana and Lihn chuckle while Sophie and Fitz start laughing like crazy. It's nice seeing the group laugh and get along and just act like normal teenagers.
"N-NO WE ARE NOT!" We say in synch in unison again.
"Um pretty sure you just did." Biana says smirking at me and I glare at her.
"Oh shut up Biana Amberley Vacker" We say once again in unison but Biana looked unfazed by the use of her middle name which annoys me.
"See. You. Two. Are. In. Synch." Lihn says. Neither of us snap back even thou it annoys us but she is too nice to snap at.
"Let's just go inside already." Tam mumbles.
"Ya I'm getting board just standing around by the blinding gates." We start walking to Everglen and I glance at Tam and he looks upset. I decide to ask him if he is okay.
"Hey Tam I wanted to ask if you are okay?" I ask and he looks shocked that I care.
"Ya I am why do you ask?" He asks me.
"You looked upset so I wanted to make sure your okay."
"Thanks Keefe but I am fine at least someone else cares." He tells me but I know he is lying about being fine because I am an empath so he can't lie. You would think this group would have figured that out by now. We walk the rest of the way in silence. Maybe I could brake his emo shell. I mean I know what it is like to grow up with crappy parents. So maybe we could get along better. I smile at the idea of that. We walk into Everglen and I feel at home again. Della and Alden basically raised me. They are like my second parents I consider them my parents so I consider Biana and Fitz my sister and brother. All my friends are basically my family at this point but I want Tam and I to be more than friends but if that's all I can get I am happy with it. We all see each other as siblings. Ever since mommy dearest is with the Neverseen and see old dad only cares about his reputation I never really saw them as my parents. Actually I saw my mom as my mom and thought she was the good parent. Guess not. Alden and Della walk in and hug us.
"Im so glad you all agreed to come!" Della says excitedly and we laugh at her enthusiasm.
"Thank you for letting us stay!" Lihn says matching Dellas enthusiasm.
"Ya thank you." The rest of their non kids say in unison.
"Oh it's no problem at all. We are just happy you guys get to be normal teens."
"Oh come on let's go to my room now." Biana says after we get out of the hug.
"Okay Biana." Fitz and Sophie say.
"Ok B." Lihn and Dex says.
"Coming B." Me and Tam say in unison. We all follow her to her room and set our stuff down.
"What do you guys want to do?" She asked us and Dex suggested-
"Base quest." But Tam pointed out-
"We don't have an even amount of people so that's out." No one could think of anything so I say-
"Come on Foster how about some human games I'm positive that your evil little mind can come up with something." And she says.
"How about truth or dare?" And we all look at her confused. What on Earth is truth or dare? But whatever it is seems fun. I think.
"Alrighty I'll explain it." And she dose.
"Sure it seems fun." Fitz says. And we all agree on Truth or Dare.
"We should be scared of Keefe though." Dex points out and the all agree and I laugh evilly already coming up with evil ideas. Everyone moves away from me just slightly. I smirk.
"Scared already eh?" I ask and everyone even Foster goes pale.
"Alrighty um lets start before all shit breaks out." Tam mumbles and everyone agrees.
"So who is going to start?" Lihn asks and Dex says-
"I say Sophie because she suggested the game." And Sophie scowls.
"If you don't I have some secrets about you that I could 'accidentally' let out or give to Marrlla." I say smirking and Sophie's jaw drops.
"Fine but keep your mouth shut Scene." And I smirk.
Sorry if I spelled keefe's last name wrong.
"Alrighty now, just start already." I saw and the game begins knowing this would be an interesting game and I begin to think about a sliver banged boy.

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