Chapter 10

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Keefe's POV; I smirk as I break the kiss and smirk at Tam and he goes completely red. I chuckled.

"Ohh~seems I've gotten you all flustered now haven't I Tammy~? I ask in a tone that makes Tam get even more flustered. Tam shakes his head.

"N-no w-why would you ask that?" He asks but he is stuttering which I find adorable. I smiled at him.

"Look it's pretty clear I like you. Do you like me to?" I ask. I can't feel anything off of him because he is a shade and that affects my ability. Tams pale skin goes red. Like really red. Tam just nods and I smile.

"Okay, so their not going to let us out for a while. So what do you want to do?" Tam asks and I smile and kiss him. Gently and full of love. He kissed me back pretty quickly.
"Keefe?" Tam mumbled when we pull away.
"Yes, Tammy?" I ask

"Would you be my boyfriend?" And I smiled and said yes.
"Do you want to cuddle?" I asked and he nodded. I hugged him and laid down. How will the others react to me being gay? Well I know Sophie and Biana are okay with it's me with Lihn because their all gay. They just don't realize that. But as an empath I can tell and their emotions are CRAZY when they are around each other. But it's Wylie Marella Fitz and Dex I am worried about. I have no clue what they think about this. I felt Tam cling to my and I smiled and hugged him tighter as I spooned him. His head resting on my chest, smiling as he fell asleep. I ruffle his hair and just doze off.

One hour later

I feel shivering and I realize I must have fallen asleep. I look down and see Tam in shorts and a T-Shirt and I am in a hoodie and sweatpants. As Tam shivers I take off my Hoodie and put it on him and smile. He is so adorable that I can't even put into words.

I then hear I slight wimped and when I realize it was Tam, and look at him I see that he was crying. I hug him tightly and gently try and wake him up.
"Hey Tammy, it's okay. It's okay." I whisper to him as when he wakes up. He smiles at me he hugs me tightly.

"Thanks Keefe." He mumbles and I smile.
"Hey it's nothing that's my job. To keep you safe. And happy and to feel loved." I mumble and Kiss him gently. He kisses back and we continue to kiss for 10-20 minutes.
"I love you Keefe."
"I love you to Tam."

"Can-can you promise me something Keefe?" Tam asks me and I nod.
"Of course I can. What is it?" I ask.
"Promise me that you will never leave me." He asks quietly and looks down.
"I promise that I will never leave you Tam." I say while lifting his head so he is looking at me.

"I love you with all my heart." I say. Tam blushes and smiles.
"I love you with all my heart to Keefe." And that's how I figured out I love Tam, that he was my soulmate, and that I had found the man of my dreams.

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