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Dedicated to @bendystraw after all it was her prompt type thing. I finished it! after forever. sorry about the wait.

“Rainbows, Rainbows, fuck the god damn rainbows!” I yelled at my computer, I needed something happy so I looked up happy things on my computer but all Google Images came up with were a bunch of goddamn rainbows and sunshine. It’s like Google is flicking me off, its not easy being color-blind. And Google wants to rub in the fact that I can only see four of the seven colors in that fucking rainbow.

            I slam my laptop shut and flop back onto my bed. Instantly those evil thoughts crept back like cockroaches in a dark room. I took out my blade and started cutting the thin straight lines that decorated my abused stomach. Red, one of the few colors I could see and right now my skin was being overwhelmed by the dark, yet glistening pigment. It felt like such a relief. I didn’t have to focus on the supposedly beige colored walls, or the bright pink dresser across the room, or the green trees outside my window, well that’s what my parents say they are.

            The only colors I ever see are black, white, red, blue, and the occasional yellow or purple, otherwise it was grey, nothing but grey. I could never escape the grey colors, there are tons of colors I will never be able to see, and it depresses me. What is living without the vibrancy of variety?

            With my eighteenth birthday coming in a few hours, I decided that I’m going to take a trip. I had heard about a forest where things didn’t seem to be true, that blind people came back able to see, that paraplegics could walk again. I have no clue if it’s true, but I need a break, sure, I will be surrounding myself in green, which will ultimately turn grey but I no longer care. Right now this forest, this stupid little dream is what keeps me going.


            The clock struck midnight; July 44th 4736 finally I am 18 years old. I grab the suitcase standing by the door and leave the house. I walk down the wet sidewalk fresh from the afternoon rain, and I open up the car door. I toss my suitcase in the back and plop into the drivers seat of my small but efficient four door vehicle. 

            I place my keys in the ignition but I don’t turn it on. Something in my mind just said “sit and relax” as if I needed to remember how grey my life was. I was tired at looking at my old worn down house. It’s brown but all I see if grey and bad memories.

            I shake my head from those thoughts and I turn the key and hear the engine rev up, I switch the gear into reverse and back down the driveway.

            Hopefully, when I come back that house will actually be brown.

I have been driving for about what I guess is a day and a half when I finally see the forest in the distance. It was a giant grey blob but I look at it with a twinge of happiness instead of sadness.

            The edge of the forest was creeping up little by little, my anticipation kept expanding wanting to leap out of me and run for the forest.

            I finally reached the forest. I parked the car and took a hold of my backpack and headed towards the trees in front of me. I took several steps in and everything felt different. I can’t really tell what is different but it is.  The air had something to it, it wasn’t thicker, but it was filled with this overwhelming feeling.

            The forest was all grey, except for the twinges of color that would pop into my vision. Red flowers, yellow flowers stuck out like a sore thumb in this canvas of grey.

A dash of purple ran into view and quickly left, out of curiosity I followed it. The purple blur quickly became red, the same crimson color that bled from my veins. I quickly ran toward the source. I could smell the metallic substance from several feet away. I looked down that the red shape and saw the outline of a white and purple speckled horse.

            I swung my book bag off my shoulder and took out my first aid supplies. Sure it was a horse I was tending to, but I felt the need to save it, do I really have to explain?

            I quickly found the source of the bleeding and quickly sanitized and bandaged the wound. I stroked the horses purple mane and heard a small whinny escape from it’s lips. I reassured it and told it I would be back as I stood up in need of water.

            I set my book bag down and took out a canteen and left in search of a pond or stream.

When I came back I saw the horse standing up. “You’re injured, relax” I cooed. It whinnied in response and gestured to the wound which was now fully healed. I was only gone for an hour or two, it couldn’t of healed that quickly. “How?” I felt a sharp object press against my forehead. I closed my eyes in fear of danger. I opened my eyes and gasped.

            My eyes squinted, I no longer saw grey, instead I saw colors I had never seen before. I look up at the trees, which are green, instead of grey, I look around at the bright plumage of the birds overhead. My eyes fill with tears at the sight.  I look up into the sky crying tears of joy. I feel raindrops hit my forehead. I pick my bag up and head to my car, the sky unleashing its downpour. The rain used to cause me sorrow, meshing up the grey objects into one giant smear of grey. But now, I see a beautiful mesh of colors. I see my car in the distance. The rain has managed to clear up, as I leave the forest’s edge a grin appears on my face. The sky above held a beautiful rainbow. I was now happy with the new improved sight, I could see the world from a different perspective. A brighter, more colorful world.

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