Chapter 1

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Katsuki stands up from where he had been kneeling down for ten minutes now, staring down at two gravestones that stood out from the few others among them. The two were encrusted and decorated with pure and shining gold, different from the others of only stone and some with silver. The two gold names on the stones were the only things he could focus on: Mitsuki Bakugo and Masaru Bakugo.

The former Queen and King of the Bakugo Kingdom.

He departs from the small cemetery of Royals within the walls of the main castle and makes his way towards the entrance where he's greeted by his Commander and best friend, Kirishima.

"Ready to depart, my King?" the red haired male asked politely but in a soft voice, he moves aside when Katsuki approaches after leaving the main gates of the castle.

"I thought I told you to not call me that. You of all people should know I don't care for formalities in my inner circle," Katsuki snapped but Kirishima just gives him a toothy grin, chuckling then opening the carriage door for the blond.

"You can just call us 'your friends,' you know," Kirishima follows his King into the carriage once he steps in first, closing the door and soon, the horses up front were commanded to go and they slowly begin to set off.

"Don't push your luck, shitty hair."

"Both my mother and my father succumbed to their strange illness just days ago. The wound is still fresh, but I and my Commanders remain vigilant to get through this to see that my Kingdom will remain as strong as ever," Katsuki announced to the other Royals attending the monthly council meeting between all the Kingdoms. He didn't really want to come, but knew he had to in order to show the other Kingdoms that he and his people were still holding strong. He didn't want to end up like the much smaller Kingdom that used to border his own and—

"However, where is your mate, Katsuki?"

The room goes quiet and all eyes or heads turn to face the most imposing figure here, King Endeavor of the Todoroki Kingdom. Katsuki holds back from clicking his tongue but doesn't stop himself from scowling deeply when the cruel man addressed him by his first name without addressing him as King of his land.

"That's King Katsuki. I may be the youngest King here, but that doesn't revoke my status—"

"Surely, but you are without a mate. There cannot be a King without a Queen, or a Queen without a King. I suppose you know this already, however, you've come here without one," King Endeavor interrupted without a single card in the world, dismissing Katsuki's words as if they came from a lowly servant.

"Have you forgotten that I didn't expect my parents to die so soon? And so close to this meeting? Let alone both of them. You act as if I had poisoned them to rid them sooner to assume the throne!" the blond Alpha growled angrily now, his irritated scent slowly simmering from him as small sparks emanated from his palms.

"I did not mean that. I apologize," Katsuki snorted from the apology, knowing that there wasn't any true meaning behind it. "However, with your parents' passing, I'm afraid that I will assume the higher power between our Kingdoms."

Katsuki was completely baffled by the words coming from King Endeavor, he knew he was always power-hungry, eager to conquer any and all land he could with the strength he had to back him up, but he never thought he'd proclaim such a bold statement.

"As you know, I had recently gained more territory neighboring your Kingdom's borders once again, granted it wasn't much, but I do believe that I can challenge you. So, in order to possibly spare your people and to give you a chance, if you'll even survive long in the future, I will give you two options."

The blond Alpha didn't like where this was going, and it infuriated him that he couldn't do anything else he wanted to endanger his people and possibly get them all massacred while they were all still grieving for the loss of the former King and Queen. He may be sharp-tongued and aggressive, but he cared deeply for his Kingdom, it was his parents' pride and joy, and would soon be his if King Endeavor wasn't being such a dick, but he knew he could do nothing but listen to the options said other Alpha would lay out for him to choose from.

"Your first option, which I highly recommend, is to surrender your status as a Royal and your Kingdom as my own will be overtaking. You will be stripped of your title and your people are spared," Katsuki let out a loud growl that sent shivers down the backs of those closest to the young Alpha.

"Your second option is to find yourself a mate in the next three weeks. As simple as that, though I know your Kingdom will not survive long under such a young, naive child's rule. And you know how fast my knights can tear down weak Kingdoms, we wouldn't want you to end up like the Tokoyami Kingdom that no longer borders our lands," King Endeavor sneered with a wide and overconfident smirk that Katsuki so wished to punch off. He clenched his hands into fists to keep himself under control.

Everyone else in the council room didn't dare speak, either uncaring, fearful of King Endeavor decimating their own land next, or agreed with the cruel King. All eyes turn back to Katsuki who grit his teeth but with a furious but challenging smirk of his own to shoot back at the much older Alpha.

"Fine. I'll follow along, I'll take your second option. I'll find a mate and we'll see who's the one smirking in the end. You don't dare take a fucking step onto my land until three weeks ends, and I'll play nice as well. I don't need to stoop to your childish level in order to prove that I'm worthy to be King, to prove that the Bakugo Kingdom remains the strongest in the land, to prove that I have more balls than you. Unlike you, I don't have to father four," Katsuki's words were filled with so much venom that others were surprised any spit that came from him didn't melt right through the beautiful and ancient tree trunk they all sat around for their council meeting. Mini explosions created smoke from the palms of his hands as he stood up.

King Endeavor's smirk falls for a slight moment and his eyes narrow in anger at the insult, but Katsuki knows he's hit a button, and he's very damn glad he did. The cruel, power-hungry bastard deserved it anyway. Even the man's flames flickered and grew slightly from his anger flaring, but he didn't give a damn.

"I better not see your fucking face anywhere near my borders until the time comes. If you wish to keep this as fair as your fucked up mind thinks, then I expect you to play nice and to abide by your own rules," Katsuki prepared to leave now, Kirishima stood up and stood beside him to escort and follow him to leave the council meeting.

"Until then, whatever future may await you, King Endeavor, I hope you get all that's coming to you."

And with that, Katsuki whips around and with Kirishima beside him, the two leave the meeting place, the blond Alpha slamming the large doors as he left. He was so furious at the smug Todoroki bastard, but he knew that he now needed to face another hurdle, finding the right mate to help him lead his Kingdom before it too would be swept up in King Endeavor's wake.


(1315 words)

A/N: Uwah! Another story! I feel more invested in this one than my other ones at the moment, so I may update a little more on this one, I don't know. I'm still really busy with college, but I really enjoyed writing this first chapter! I hope Kacchan isn't too out of character to feel weird. I wanted him to still be Kacchan, but more composed and careful about his decisions and what he says, especially after his parents' strange deaths. I hope you enjoy this! I look forward to writing more for this! Thank you for reading! Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!


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