Chapter 4

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"I've never seen an Omega like that before," Kirishima comments after dusting himself off, looking over to Katsuki who was sitting quietly upon his throne. He seemed deep in thought and was only snapped out of it when the red haired man spoke.

"He threw us around like we were simply bags of potatoes! I was so caught off guard that I had to sniff the air again to make sure we weren't dealing with another Alpha!" he kept going while laughing a bit in amusement but also disbelief. He truly meant it when he said he's never seen an Omega toss him around in such a way, he could even say he was still stunned from when it happened!

Katsuki looked puzzled as he listened to Kirishima ramble on, but he eventually speaks up and with a smirk now. "He is quite interesting. His technique wasn't random either, it looked like something he's practiced and clearly, he's perfected it. I'll ask more about him when they come for dinner," the young King says as he grips his chin slightly.

Kirishima gazed at him for a few seconds before a bigger smile comes across his face.

Later on that evening, Izuku and Tokoyami do arrive at the castle's dining hall with the small amount of people who survived the massacre of their Kingdom. They all had whatever clothes they had arrived in, though those who might've had blood on them were given clothes for the time being before they could get their own.

King Katsuki and Commander Kirishima were already seating at the table, the blond on one of the ends while the red haired male beside him. The blond King invites them to sit closer to them so they could speak, and they do just that with Prince Tokoyami sitting on the other side of the King and Izuku beside himself.

Once they've been served their food, Katsuki speaks up.

"Prince Tokoyami, you and your remaining people are allowed to say within my castle, to ensure your safety," he suddenly says which surprises the two.

"Oh, thank you, my King, but we're fine—"

"I insist. It's an apology for letting those stupid Alphas run rampant," Katsuki interrupts Tokoyami with sternness in his tone but also concern. He may be a tyrant sometimes and perhaps even a gremlin, but he knew that allowing Prince Tokoyami be treated so poorly will not only put a bad image of him in possibly his last few weeks of life, but his parents wouldn't have approved of it. They were probably already angry at him for letting it get as far as it did.

Silence engulfs the room for a few long moments except for the group of four eating their food and the occasional clinking of metal and ceramic.

"But, I'm going to get straight to the point. What is your friend's name?" Katsuki asks curiously, glancing up between the other two as Kirishima looks just as surprised now as the two being addressed.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya. I don't have any.....royal bloodline, but I am a dear friend of Fumi. I was really relieved to learn that Fumi escaped the massacre just as he was for me. I'm a way, we're childhood friends," Izuku speaks for himself when Tokoyami allows him to, knowing that he would like to introduce himself instead.

"Hmm, you impressed me by your fighting skill and swift technique. I have never known of an Omega with such skill."

However, this seemed to irritate Izuku and he now sent a glare in Katsuki and Kirishima's directions, knowing well that the two were Alphas.

"Look, I can tell you're not talking comfortably. If you've got something against me or us, then spit it out so we know if we should trust you or not," Izuku snapped, looking distrustful and irritated, his patience wearing thin.

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