Chapter 2

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"Are you actually going to do what King Endeavor says?" Kirishima finally breaks the silence after they left the council meeting and were now on their way back to their Kingdom.

Katsuki's scowl deepened and he curled his lip back in a snarl. "Hell yeah! Fuck the stupid, wretched Endeavor shithead! He doesn't deserve to lead his Kingdom no matter how good he is at battle!"

Kirishima says nothing to show he agreed nor disagreed with his young King, he just watches the blond closely. Katsuki's visible anger seemed to simmer down and he was now a little more composed, but his voice was dangerously low.

"I'll find a mate to become my Queen, even if it's the last thing I do. My parents' legacy will not be tarnished by someone as selfish as that Todoroki idiot," Katsuki growls out now, his eyes focused on glaring at the outside world. If his eyes could set things on fire, the entire world would be hell at this point.

"Do you want me to rally all the Alphas and Betas in the Kingdom?" the red haired Alpha offered his King in an attempt to ease the pressure or at least some of it off of him.

"Yes. It's the best way to find a mate as soon as possible before that pyromaniac loses his pants," the blond now proceeds to drag his hand across his face, calming down left him with a headache and feeling fatigued. He lets out a sigh before turning to Kirishima.

"I appreciate you being here and helping me, Eijiro."

Kirishima's smile made its way back into his face and while showing off his pointed teeth through his large smile, he chuckles in amusement. "Just say 'thank you' already!"

The both of them knew they wouldn't be the same people if they hadn't met one another, and if they didn't help each other. To Katsuki, Kirishima was more than just the Lead Commander of his best knights, with the red haired male himself being the best other than Katsuki of course, but he was a best friend, a brother. He truly appreciated Kirishima and what he offered him, and even if he didn't offer anything, he would still be grateful for his friendship.

To Kirishima, Katsuki was also like a brother, the fellow Alpha having helped him long ago when he was only twelve after his parents abandoned him in this Kingdom, never to be seen again. The Bakugo's took him in and provided with such a life he never thought he'd ever live to witness, so he decided to repay them by training as a knight and rising among the ranks quickly. Just three years after being taken in, he had already been one of the best knights in the academy.

And now, here he was, the Lead Commander of the knights, Katsuki's right-hand man, and the one who would be guarding the young King from now on whenever he wasn't needed by the lesser knight generals. He vowed to protect the blond Alpha with his life, ready to quickly toss his own life away to protect Katsuki, especially after the mysterious and sudden deaths of his parents.

"Just know this one thing, Katsuki," said blond focuses on Kirishima to hear what he'd say next. "If there's a chance that you don't find a suitable mate to take on, and we're to face King Endeavor and his forces, know that I'll be there to fight alongside you. If you die, I will die with you. Until the day that I take my last breath, I will remain at your side to ensure that you will never be lonely again."

Hearing this made Katsuki genuinely smile, he really was grateful to have Kirishima at his side, and though he doesn't want him to throw away his life so easily and so quickly if things were to go bad for himself, he knew that the red haired Alpha was nearly as stubborn as he was, so there was no point in trying to argue. He chuckles and gives Kirishima a playful but still hard punch to his shoulder, knowing it didn't affect his Lead Commander.

"I ain't gonna die so easily, Eijiro. If that does happen and that Todoroki bastard comes after my Kingdom, I will kill all that stand with him and stand in the way of protecting my people. I won't lose to that tyrant, not now, not later, and not in any other world," Katsuki replies as Kirishima smiles back and returns his own amused chuckles, listening to his King sound so stress-free made him feel a little more at ease.

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