Chapter 8

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Izuku knew this was a dangerous assumption that taking in Katsuki's blood would trigger this transformation, let alone trigger anything at all. Their Kingdom's entire fate was on this one assumption, either a bloody death and total destruction or salvation. That wasn't even including what could possibly happen after if they win this fight, Katsuki could completely abandon him, horrified at what he had taken on as a mate and at what his fated mate even was. There was no way to see how this will turn out until he made his move, and he was willing to take that risk if it meant possibly protecting their Kingdom, their people, but most importantly, protecting Katsuki.

There was no pain during the transformation, only a numbing feeling at first which was quickly followed by a deep burn inside him that neither hurt him nor comforted him, only fueled him to do what he needed to do in order to protect his mate and their lives.

When the light faded and he gets the feeling of his new form, he's shocked himself at what he transformed into, as like what others were told, dragons were thought to be mere myths. Little bedtime stories to tell to children to get them to sleep so that they're not up all night. But here he was, the fire-breathing beast himself. It takes a moment for him to get a feel of his new body, he even startled himself a little when his tail crashed into the earth and made the ground rumble, then he shifts his wings curiously and looks around a bit. However, upon seeing the sight of the frightened enemy knights before him, his chest vibrated in a deep growl, he remembered why he transformed.

Izuku spreads his massive wings and lifts them higher but arcs them downwards towards his enemies, a clear sign of intimidation, before he inhaled through his nose then let out a deep, guttural roar from his powerful maw. He could see the fear in his enemies and though there was a small part of him that felt bad for them as seeing such a sight will surely cause endless nightmares, especially when staring into the face of it as an enemy, but then he reminds himself that these people are planning to hurt his family, regardless of what he was before or what he is now.

"I-it's i-impossible! D-dragons are m-myths!" King Endeavor heard one of his knights stutter out, their voice completely overcome with primal fear, many of his knights shared the same fear and disbelief as many of them stumbled back, trembled uncontrollably, or dropped their weapons, no longer able to wield their weapons as if gravity itself had shifted at the mere appearance of a dragon. "W-what do we do a-against a m-myth?!"

King Endeavor couldn't tear his eyes away from the dragon that was Izuku, both in shared fear with his men, but also a small fraction of amazement. However, this amazement wasn't one of wonder but rather something fouler, this amazement stemmed from his imagination of the dragon being a part of his army. Like the fool he is for continuing to stand there while his men cowered and practically begged to run back home to avoid the wrath of the dragon, he remains an even bigger fool for having such a thought staring down the snout of a very protective and very angry dragon.

Katsuki and all of his own Kingdom's knights are also in shock, most also in fear at the sight, however their fear was not even a fraction of King Endeavor's knights, as they know Izuku would never hurt them if he could do anything about it. The blond King stared up with widened eyes at his fated mate, his mind going blank from such a sight, he had to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, or dead yet, by shifting his wounded left shoulder. The pain that seared through him convinced him enough that he was for sure awake and seeing what he was seeing, but even then, his mind couldn't wrap itself around this situation. Never in all of his life had he even had a mere thought he'd ever see a dragon, yet here they were, with the Izuku dragon on their side. In a twisted way, he saw flashes of his first meeting with Izuku as if he was seeing flashes of his life before death, and his mind wandered to "what if's" of that meeting.

What if he hadn't been walking around that area to see the fight? What if he didn't step in to stop, or try to stop, Izuku from beating up those Alphas? What if Izuku refused to open up to him, or even what if he didn't even accept to stay in the castle with Tokoyami at first? Too many unanswered questions filled his head all at once. However, a ear-deafening roar from Izuku shot all those thoughts down and his focus was placed entirely on the dragon before them.

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