Chapter 7

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"Once again, I deeply apologize for my behavior, Kacchan! I-I didn't think....I w-was just—I-I didn't think this would happen—" Izuku panicked and apologized profusely to the blond male once they were alone after returning to the Kingdom. He was now just realizing the weight of his challenge with King Endeavor, and he was now regretting the whole thing, that is, until Katsuki grabs his hands into his tight grip and made the panicking greenette meet his gaze.

"Stop apologizing, Deku. It doesn't matter what you did because that fucker would've done this even if you weren't there. He was only giving me false hope of having three weeks to find a mate, he's too impatient to wait any longer, I'm sure," Katsuki reassured his mate with his signature scowl, letting it soften a moment later when he smirks. "And besides, you challenging him was kinda hot."

That immediately flusters Izuku and his face flushes a bright red in response, he even pulls his hands out of Katsuki's and playfully shoves them into the Alpha's face, pushing him away. "D-don't say that!"

"Why not? It's the truth. Why would I need to lie?" Katsuki raised a brow, moving around Izuku's hands to press a peck to his hand, his eyes widening after when he realized what he just did. It was instinct and he was ready to pull away when this time, Izuku was the one who grabbed his hands. A small blush creeping its way across Katsuki's face.

"That.....t-that felt n-nice....Can you do that again?..." Izuku's shy and quiet voice was just barely audible for Katsuki, but he definitely heard it and definitely couldn't deny his fated Omega when he looked this damn cute, batting his eyelashes up at him and blushing like a ripe strawberry. So, with both boys becoming blushing messes, Katsuki complies and presses multiple pecks to the back of the greenette's hand.

The light pecks soon turned into sweet and confident kisses to Izuku's hands, Katsuki showing his distressed Omega that he truly loved him and even after what happened at the gathering, his feelings for the freckled male haven't changed. The reassurance through actions warmed Izuku's heart and he couldn't help but melt into the Alpha's comfort, wishing to sink further into his love and affection as his smile turned wobbly from how joyful he felt with Katsuki reassuring him more and more with every kiss to placed onto his hands.

"I'm so glad that you beat the shit out of those Alphas and me that day, otherwise, I would've never encountered or met you," Katsuki started to let out his own low rumble of an Alpha purr, something he hasn't done since he was a little kid with his parents. He even seemed to surprise himself with it but he didn't fight it and simply let it continue while he stared into the emerald pools of his fated mate.

Izuku melted even more if it was possible, his heart skipping a beat not only from Katsuki's declaration that he was glad he beat him up just a handful of days ago, but also from his purr. Like with Omega's, purring from an Alpha only occurred when the other felt completely safe or when they were extremely happy. Whichever one was the case, Izuku felt so honored to hear such a soft and endearing sound come from the larger male. He began to reciprocate the purring but with his own as he gently caressed Katsuki's face with his hands, gently holding his face like the absolute deity Katsuki was to Izuku.

Nothing felt better than this, to know that his mate loved him this much, regardless of fated or not, it was almost overwhelming with how happy he was. Izuku had to hold himself back from shedding tears of joy, however, he's suddenly reminded of something crucial to him and it would also be important to tell Katsuki, or at least hint to him about it, before he fell more in love with him.

A small frown suddenly appeared across the green haired male's face, it concerned Katsuki but he lets Izuku speak first. "A-are you sure you want to love me? For all you know, I could just be a witch who put you under a spell or did something to trick you."

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