Chapter 5

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"Fumi, I need your help."

"With what, Izuku?"

"I think the King is my fated mate."

To say Tokoyami was surprised was an understatement. The young Prince knew something was up when he and Kirishima saw the strange looks the two others shared with one another, but he never thought it would be something like this. He knew about how fated mates worked, he actually wished he had one, but until he met them, he would never know, but he's heard stories. Izuku's heard about these stories as well, so he knew that he couldn't just slide this under the rug.

According to people who've experienced this feeling of being fated mates, to avoid it was inevitable and outright torturous for both parties. Similar to going into heat or rut alone when you knew or have a mate, but worse. Not only was there intense hormones affecting your entire system, but extreme pain could be felt within your chest as if your heart begins to break from turning away from your fated mate. All sorts of other issues that vary for each fated pairing, with some experiencing horrible bouts of sicknesses, to the more extreme punishments of their second gender nearly shutting down completely after prolonged avoidance.

But there was only two outcomes from having a fated mate, and that's what scared Izuku the most: either the mates finally bond and properly accept being fated mates, or one or both parties can't handle it and everything ends in tragedy. And in the latter, it was choosing between death or your second gender completely dying out and you become someone more worse than a Beta when it comes to being unable to smell scents, because without a second gender, those people end up being driven mad and end their lives.

And Izuku wasn't very keen on experiencing anything like that, so he knew the only thing he could do was accept Katsuki as his fated mate, as much as he was wary about doing so.

"There isn't anything I can do but accept it, I don't want to die and leave you alone," Izuku sighs in frustration but Tokoyami putting his hand on his shoulder made him smile just the slightest.

"It's okay, Izuku. Just know that I'll stand by you and support you no matter what, even if the King decides to banish you. I won't leave you alone," the greenette definitely needed his dear friend's reassurance, so seeing his truthfulness in his face and his eyes and smelling it in his scent calmed him down greatly. Tokoyami smiles happily to Izuku and the two friends embrace one another tightly, knowing what kind of trials await the both of them in the future, though they didn't know the exact effects and other issues that waited for them, they both knew that if they stuck together they could get through this together.

"We don't know if he understands what we felt. I mean, we could ask him, but that's a weird fucking thing to ask. It could've just been coincidence," Katsuki said in a panicked voice that grew the more they talked about this.

"Dude, he definitely felt it. Come on, just trust me on this, it'll be good for you!" Kirishima tried to assure and persuade his King to calm down and wait for the Omega's next move rather than jumping the gun. He's known Katsuki long enough that when he jumped the gun when it came to things with their second genders, Katsuki usually always ended up doing the wrong thing. He didn't mean it, but he knew that it was always something that was more complicated to the blond Alpha than any counterstrategy he's ever come up with. Katsuki's feelings was always something the Alpha never really understood nor would allow to show itself fully.

It probably had to do with something about how Alphas were portrayed as people who needed nothing but strength, good traits, and good looks. Nothing else mattered according to the public. Katsuki had plenty of everything, and unlike most Alphas, he isn't as dumb as a rock. It was the complete opposite for Omegas however. All the public cared for was if the Omega was pretty, slim and small, and if they could produce healthy and strong pups. That's why Katsuki and Kirishima understood Izuku's frustrations and aggression towards Alphas who thought they could get away with assault and crime against Omegas just because of their second gender status.

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