Chapter 9

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"Has there been anything from him?" Katsuki asked the moment he stepped into the medical room housing his mate. He looked tired and almost sickly, with his skin looking paler than usual and with bags under his usually sharp eyes. Seems like Izuku's current state has taken a huge toll on Katsuki.

"Unfortunately, he is still unresponsive..." Recovery Girl sighed with a deep frown, she seems to have taken a toll from all of this too as her shoulders were sagged and her frown seemed to be perpetual.

Katsuki deflated and despite being told that nothing's changed about Izuku's state, he still approached the bed his beloved Queen laid upon, his worn hands brushing lightly across his freckled cheek then to rub his head of green curls. His heart hurt each day Izuku remained unconscious, and it hurt him more that he couldn't spend all of his time beside him in case he does wake, as he still has a Kingdom to tend to. As much as he wishes he could leave his Kingdom in someone else's hands, like Kirishima as his temporary replacement, he knew that Izuku would want him to help his people just as much as he helps him, and Katsuki would almost always follow what Izuku wants him to do especially after he nearly gave his life for him and the Kingdom he wasn't even born into.

"I don't know when or if Queen Izuku will wake up—"

"DON'T—just...Please don't say that," Katsuki snapped at Recovery Girl before breathing in, then breathing out to calm himself down, now dragging his hand across his face. The blond Alpha took a seat next to Izuku's bed on the chairs set in the room for him and Recovery Girl, his crimson gaze remained on the sleeping Izuku. The stress of everything that's happened up until now is slowly but surely catching up to him.

It's been three days since the confrontation with the Todoroki Kingdom, three days he's had to endure all of this stress, and three days since Izuku went unconscious.

"Apologies, but we can only hope now, and even so, we have to be realistic as well. I'm not guaranteeing anything nor do I not believe in Queen Izuku, but I've already done everything I can do. The rest is up to him to wake," the shorter Beta says softly before bowing her head and getting up to depart from the room, leaving Katsuki alone with Izuku once more. All three days have been like this; Katsuki leaves Izuku's side in the morning when he's needed by his Kingdom, Recovery Girl watches over unresponsive Izuku, Katsuki returns once most of the day is done, and he stays by the Queen's side until the following day comes. Sometimes, Katsuki will lay with Izuku on the bed, lightly scenting his Omega in hopes that that would rouse him awake from his continuous slumber. Hopes that the following morning, he'd rise to see Izuku awake and well, only to feel heartbroken when nothing's changed since he drifted off to sleep.

Katsuki feels like it's unfair that Izuku is putting him through this, though he doesn't actually blame him since none of them knew this would happen, both all of them and their Kingdom surviving the enemy's attack and the repercussions of that successful battle. He vows that once Izuku wakes, he'll at the same time, scold him for making him go through all of this and spoil him more for saving them all.

As Katsuki stares at the unconscious greenette with a saddened but soft look now that they were alone, he couldn't help but wonder if his parents were watching over him—over them. He wonders if his parents were to still be alive, would they be proud of Izuku for saving them all, or would they be fearful of him and throw the Omega out for being of dragon blood. Katsuki doesn't want to admit out loud that the possibility of losing Izuku, let alone the mere thought of losing him would hurt him twice as much as it was to lose his parents, jokingly afraid his parents would be offended. That little thought seems to allow a small smile to appear on his face, as he could already see his hag of a mother crossing her arms and giving him a disappointed but also understanding scowl while his father would just smile neutrally. As much as they bickered, even as he was a child, and seemed to have a rough relationship to others, his parents loved him with all of their hearts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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