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"Thoma!" They give me a smile and link our arms. I somewhat blush. Was this Ayaka's doing? "I'm glad they let you out today. I've made a dinner reservation. Unless you've eaten?" I've been too busy to. We start walking to the restaurant.

"Just so happens I haven't. I'm glad you made plans, because I'm starving." We continue our walk, but the silence is starting to get awkward. I try getting them to let go because it's probably making them uncomfortable, but they don't let me.

"Did you overhear what I said the other day Thoma?" I stagger a bit, but I don't reply. Won't they be embarrassed if I say I did? I also don't want to lie to them though. "I see.." The awkward tension in the air is suffocating, so I decide to speak.

"I'm just glad to hear you don't hate me." I smile blushing a bit. It was a huge relief. "I didn't want to come between you and Ayaka. Since the traveler went off to Sumeru she's been lonely.. even with me. I'm usually busy so I'm not of much help." I sigh. It hurts my heart to know Ayaka is lonely. They nod their head.

We arrive at a fancy restaurant. "Reservation under (Y/N)." The server leads us to an outside table, giving us a pretty view of the sunset. I look towards it, it's very calming. I notice (Y/N) staring and I give them a curious look. Do I look weird or something?

"Is there something on my face?" Their eyes widen and they look back out to the sunset. It's adorable really. I smile gingerly at them, but they don't notice.

"No.. there's nothing." They bury my face in the menu. I open mine, barely lifting it, and notice the prices. Didn't they say they didn't have much money? I couldn't possibly ask them to pay for this!

"Uh.. (Y/N)," They peak over and see I'm looking at the menu too. "The prices are... expensive." I whisper awkwardly. They don't look surprised nor worried. Did (Y/N) lie last time?

"I got my paycheck from Liyue at last.. don't worry about the prices. I said it'd be my treat." But spending it as soon as you got it? What if they don't have enough money to sustain themself later this month?

"We could split it?" I offer. I have plenty of mora so I don't mind!

"No. My treat Thoma. Don't worry about it." They lift their menu up again, so I pull it down. I give them a worried look, but they don't give in. "Thoma." They angrily grumble. "Look, they give me a lot. Don't worry about it." They lift up their menu again, so I decide I'll just order something a bit less expensive.

The server comes over for our order. "I'll just get the egg salad and a lemonade. I'm not that hungry." I lie. But the lemonade (Y/N) gave me yesterday left me wanting more. I give the server a sheepish smile. The salad was least costly thing as it was also a smaller portion.

"I'll be having a steak, medium well," Steak sounds really good right now. Especially the way it look on the menu! "as well as the Timmy Cream Chicken dish please. A bottle of dandelion wine for the both of us." The server nods and leaves us with a bread basket. They ordered another dish!? They definitely saw right through me.

"The steak and chicken?" I question. They really didn't have to get me anything else.

"The steak is for you. You're not having a boring old salad! You said you were starving." They take a bite of the bread. It's generous of them, but I feel bad.

"It's expensive (Y/N)! I'd feel bad taking advantage of your generosity." I can see them getting upset.

"I said it was my treat! You're not taking advantage.. you're just being stupid." Stupid? I look towards the sunset and pout. I've made them upset, dinner was a great idea, hah. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Look, I spend a lot myself, more than I should. The thing is that's it my choice. So don't feel bad about it." It's reassuring so I give them a small smile that quickly fades. "Try some of the bread," They say with a filled mouth, "it's to die for." I look over at them curiously. I take a bite, and my face lights up. It's light and not dry at all.

"It is really good." I gleefully stuff my face. Not even a minute later it's all gone. "Mm.. maybe we should get some more." They chuckle, their face is adorable like this. I notice some bread crumbs by the corner of their lips.

"If we do, we might just end up filling up on bread." They smile slightly at me. I glide my finger over their lips. They're soft and a little bouncy.

"Bread crumbs." I state after seeing (Y/N) is confused. They start looking a little red and I can't help but feel it's a bit endearing.

"I.. thanks." They look down at the empty bread basket. "So uh.. how often do you and Ayaka get out of the house?" They look out towards the sunset with a gentle look. I start thinking about the question, and it saddens me.

"Almost never really. Again, busy. Both of us. Thanks to you she's not too alone now. But I already said that." I slightly frown. "We've been friends for a long time now, but as we grew up we had more responsibilities." I start thinking of how (Y/N) has improved Ayaka's mood by quite a lot.

"Do you like her?" They look back over to me. I'm taken aback by the question, but the blush that's spreading over my face is only due to the question. Are they asking because they like me?

"I'm.. not sure. As a friend sure, but romantically.." I can't say that I haven't ever thought about her like that. The thing is that with (Y/N), I'm getting funny feelings around them, unlike with Ayaka. I think about (Y/N) quite a lot. "That's silly response, but there's so much going on in my head right now." It's hard to pinpoint my feelings.

"I see. I was just curious don't worry." They give me a reassuring smile. The waiter comes with the wine. He pours us a glass and (Y/N) takes a sip. "Ahh.. dandelion wine. Always a classic favorite." They take a longer sip, and their face lights up instantly.

I cautiously pick up the glass. "I've never had any.." I take a sip and immediately melt. "It's.. absolutely delicious." They raise their glass and slyly smile.

I Won't Lose To Her (ThomaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now