IwaOi : Faking it? (🏐)

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Faking It?

Warnings: Vomit, Fainting, Panic Attack, Swearing and Some Angst(Sort of?)

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Oikawa usually fakes getting sick so he can get out of practice sometimes.. but today he was actually sick.

It started when he woke up, his head was pounding and his stomach ached just a little, but for some reason, he decided today he would still go to school since he had a test he couldn't miss.

He went to the bathroom and noticed that he looked horrible, pale face but flushed cheeks and bags under his eyes. He let out a small sigh.

'' Maybe I can just go to school and then skip practice..''

He mumbles to himself, he felt his stomach jolt as he leaned forward to the sink and brought up what was in his stomach into the sink.

He stood there throwing up for around 5 minutes and once he was done his legs buckled and he fell to his knees, gripping onto the sink desperately.

'' Nghh.. I'll be okay. ''

Oikawa convinced himself, he had a quick shower and then got dressed into his uniform. He headed downstairs and had a light breakfast which was just toast, that was all he could be bothered eating knowing he would puke it out later.

He grabbed his bag and headed outside where Iwaizumi was waiting.

'' Jeez Oikawa! Took you long enough, hurry up! ''

Iwaizumi snapped, Oikawa winced, Iwaizumi's yelling pounding through his head. Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa and raised an eyebrow.

'' Oh don't play that card Oikawa, I know your just faking being sick. Now let's go to school! ''

He dragged Oikawa to school, Oikawa stumbled and staggered behind Iwaizumi, trying to ignore how dizzy he felt and Iwaizumi dragging him didn't help.

Oikawa groaned.

'' I-Iwa please slow down, my head really hurts. ''

Oikawa choked out, Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

'' Yeah right, stop the act. ''

Iwaizumi remarked and they arrived at the school, the bell rang louder in Oikawa's ears as he covered his ears slightly and whined.

Iwaizumi just pulled Oikawa to class.

During the classes, Oikawa was really starting to regret eating that toast as his stomach was threatening to bring up what was in his stomach during the whole class.

Once lunch break started Oikawa desperately tried to go to the bathroom but Iwaizumi pulled him to go to lunch, Oikawa groaned and followed Iwaizumi.

They sat at their usual spot and Iwaizumi noticed Oikawa didn't bring lunch.

'' Oi! You stupid? Why didn't you bring lunch? ''

Iwaizumi groaned as he shoved some food in Oikawa's mouth, Oikawa almost gagged as he chewed the food and swallowed it, his body almost brought up what he just ate but he forced it back down and swallowed thickly.

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