"Write my name in the next of kin space and sign below." Gloria pointed the gun to her youngest daughter's head. "Now! Or I swear I will pull the trigger Lilac." . Lilac wasn't surprise at all with what was happening_her mother having kidnap her and forcing her to will the ninety nine percent of her father's property to her, it was just a gamble. Her mother never liked her_ but wanting to kill her, it was kind of a little shocking. "What if I really don't give a damn about dying from a bullet of your gun." Lilac tempted her mother.
Gloria smiled shortly then pulled her daughter's chestnut her aggressively to inflict pain on her, "then I will be glad to pull it on your international already billion worth son" Gloria surprised her daughter.
"My son? " Her mother wasn't supposed to know she had a baby. At least she tried to keep it away from her. Unless of course Hillary had betrayed her by telling her. No, Hillary gave her her word. To be precise she sold her word to her for a bigger price. A price not to ever have anything to do with the father of her baby.
"You think I wasn't going to find out with the way Nick Firestorm display him to the world as his." Gloria loved the look on her daughters face, surprise and shocked. "And come on, the eyes. There is no way one isn't going to know he is your son. ", "I knew you were dumb, but not to this extent Lilac_not to this extent, because this extent is suicidal." She slumped the gun onto her head and sliced the knife in her left hand through her shoulders, causing blood to ooze out of her body. Lilac was tired, all the combat and shooting lessons in the world couldn't even have prepared her for a day like this. A day which she was all wet and all bloody and messy sprouting on a bare cemented floor in a dilapidated building no one would wonder into. Her mother was an ex-soldier and FBI agent. And so torture and destruction was no news to her. In fact it was her entire life. And it was suddenly making her wonder and suspect the reason behind her father forcing her into intensive combat and shooting training. It was like he knew a day like this was going to come. A day where she would need to fight fire with fire and air with air. Once again, she had failed her father because her strength couldn't override her mother's.
"Sign the damn will before I pull the trigger and also go find your unfortunately lucky son and kill him too."
"no! You would do no such thing. Nick wouldn't let you have his son? " Lilac yelled gallingly.
Gloria laughed hysterically, "not when I tell him I'm the baby's grandmother." , "don't be stupid and selfish. Just die alone and leave your innocent baby out of this. " .
Lilac knew she was right. But the problem was the money and vast property her mother was asking her to will to her wasn't even yet legally hers. "I can't sign it." Lilac uttered calmly causing Gloria to this time around slice the knife through her thighs. She screamed and cried from the pain of her flesh been ripped out like she was an animal not the human she was. Lilac was sure she was going to even die out of blood shortage before her mother's gun could kill her.
"You can't what?" Gloria growled. "Mum!" She screamed from the pain of another part of her body been cut without even realizing it. Her mother was hurting her, she was torturing and tearing her apart just because of money_no, to be precise a trillion dollars, if she wasn't exaggerating. Her father was wealthy, far more wealthier than wealth itself and this was all it brought to her as his next of kin.
Lilac gasped for air, muted and then muttered, "the money isn't mine until I make it to an Ivy League." Lilac sniffed in more air in order to stay conscious.Gloria was frustrated and desperate now. What her daughter was saying was the fact. Her husband gave a condition before his property should be handed over to his youngest daughter. And the condition was as good as the money not even having been will to her daughter. Because she wasn't only dumb but hopeless_which hurt her as a mother and made her regret not killing her a very long time ago. "I don't care." She pressed her neck tightly after dropping her dagger and gun on the floor beside her. Lilac was suffocating from the way her mother was pressing her neck, that if she hadn't spit and coughed there was no doubt she would have pass away. "Get into the fucking Ivy League and sign the damn will" Gloria released her daughters neck and whacked her with her palms. "It impossible, even you of all people know it is impossible." Lilac whispered. "No! I don't know that, all I know is that I am giving you just five months to make it to an Ivy League or..."
Lilac cut her, "or what?" She gasped for oxygen.
"Or I will butcher your son right in front of you and make it look like you were the one who did it." Gloria didn't finish before her daughter added, "just like the way you did to your husband." Both of them were shocked about the diversion of the conversation. Lilac couldn't believe she was now realizing the truth behind her father's brutalizing supposing suicide. "I didn't kill your father! But looking at his will and how much he had messed things up, I really wish I had." Gloria dispersed from the dark room after picking her dagger and freeing her daughter.
If her father didn't want her to have his wealth then why go through the trouble of willing it to her. There was no way on earth she was going to get into an Ivy League with her academic performance, not even a normal country side college. Her father was a joke_he was playing them all, he was using her as a bait to avenge his death.
Oh no! He would not do that. He was a good man and a good father to both she and Hillary. He couldn't have set that condition to hurt or ravage her. Jake Donovan wouldn't pretend, he was too busy to pretend_so she had to think well and lightly. Sometimes it's just good to look at the surface instead of the bottom. Because that's where things really look and seem clear.
Ok! The surface is her father had just made her the successor of a huge sum of money and property, with the condition that she did something very much impossible _somethings he knew her mother will understand if she couldn't achieve..._oh heavens! he was using the condition to keep her alive. And the evidence had just taken place...except that it wasn't all over. And now after realizing that her combat skill was to fight the law which in this case was her mother, she was going to use it to the fullest, and also going to covert it into a lethal weapon to fight for the survival of both herself and her son.

Legitimate Clue
Tajemnica / ThrillerMen live their entire life making mistakes and getting away with them. But not all of them, because Jake Donovan and Tony Firestorm_middle aged men; are destined to suffer the consequences of their flaws and errors. They sacrifice their life, their...