You should talk to T'Challa

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Sitting in the back of a fairly clean cab Katherine was on her way to see a friend and teammate. Mathew Donahue was the youngest of the four of them and the most sensitive. He'd initially blamed himself for what happened to her thinking she'd been injured by falling debris caused by his explosives. She'd been quick to explain to him as well as in her report what had actually happened, but that didn't stop him from feeling guilty anyway. He felt like if she hadn't stayed behind to make sure he got out safely she wouldn't have gotten hurt as badly or at all.

Katherine couldn't say with any certainty that he was right or wrong, but he couldn't blame himself for what any one of them would have done for each other. After their mission the whole team had been forced to take some time off to regroup before they went back out into the field. It was something Maria had insisted upon for their mental well-being after seeing their leader and teammate nearly die. Hill knew how close the four of them were and knew seeing what happened to Katherine that the guys would be messed up for a while.

Charles had stuck around for a bit, but went home to England to visit his family that he hadn't seen in a while. While he might have felt a little bit of guilt they both knew he did everything possible to save her life and for that she was extremely grateful. Thomas and his parents lived here in New York permanently so he was always close by for a visit or to make sure she went to her appointments. Matthew lived over in Queens, but he liked a certain gym in Hell's Kitchen which is where she was headed.

Back when he was a kid he wanted to be a boxer so he gravitated towards one that had turned out some of New York's small time great fighters. Fogwell's gym was a bit run down, but it never lacked for clientele. Having arrived she paid the fare as she got out. Being mindful of the other pedestrians as she crossed to the front door of the old building so she wouldn't get bumped into.

Once inside Katherine panned her gaze around the crowded room for the tall brunette that she was after. Spotting him hitting a heavy bag held by another man she recognized from her previous visits who also happened to be a friend, Kat made her way over to them.

"Katherine, it's good to see you." She snorted out a laugh at Matthew Murdock's greeting. She liked that he was comfortable enough with his blindness to make jokes like that. She had no idea how he knew she was coming over to them every single time. After nearly four years of knowing him, he still wouldn't tell her. He'd just give her a secretive little smirk and go back to punching the shit out of a bag or Matt.

Coming to a stop just out of swinging range she greeted the older Matthew first. "Murdock, it's been a minute, how are you?"

Donahue turned after landing a solid punch to the bag looking over at her with surprise, asking before Matthew could respond, "Kit Kat, what are you doing here?"

"I was out and about on an errand with Stark. Once I was done I figured I'd come see you and I know you're here most days about this time so ta da." Him and Murdock switched out with Donahue to hold the bag while he took his turn throwing punches and kicks.

"Tommy said something about you having an appointment with Stark today. How'd that go?" He asked, bracing the heavy bag to keep it from swinging too much for the other man.

Tossing her long hair over her shoulder she nods. "It was good. Tony has high hopes that I'll have my surgery around the end of December. Him and Banner are going to combine their design with one that Hydra used on Barnes back in the 40s to try and keep to that time table."

"Mixing the Winter Soldier with Blake here is going to make her damn near unstoppable." Murdock grins in Mathew's general direction as he lets loose a fast combination of punches and kicks.

"Former Winter Soldier. He's just Sergeant Barnes now." She was quick to tell him, adjusting her shoulder a bit as a phantom tingle of pain ran down the non-existent nerves of her missing limb. Donahue's eyes catch the gesture causing his mouth to turn down in the way it does when he sees her in pain or discomfort. "After the recent events in Vienna he doesn't deserve to have his past brought up, even in casual conversation."

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