Hang on tight

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Choosing to completely ignore the embarrassing events that led to Bucky spending the night in her bed, Katherine perused her menu while keeping a totally straight face. He hadn't seemed to mind by how he hadn't brought it up so she wouldn't either. They all had weak moments while drunk.. where they complimented the man they liked on both his beautiful eyes and how good he smelled.. Ignoring, Katherine, you are ignoring that ever happened she repeated over and over to herself. When their waitress finally arrived to take their orders she breathed out a sigh of relief that the awkward silence was broken. It might have been broken by an oblivious third party but it was better than nothing.

As their waitress, Kelly, walked away to put in their orders and to grab Bucky some more coffee she leaned back finally meeting his amused blue-grey eyes. Bracing his weight on his forearms he leaned forward with a smirk. "Are we gonna talk about last night and get it out of the way or are you gonna keep pretending it didn't happen?" Raised eyebrows and a deep red blush of embarrassment settled on her face.

Apparently he was not going to sweep what happened under the preverbal rug. Taking a gulp of her orange juice she nods, pursing her lips. "Pretending it didn't happen was the game plan followed by breakfast bribery for you to never ever bring it up. But you shot that plan to shit." Chuckling at her colorful address of this morning's trip to the local diner, Bucky waited patiently for her to decide on what to do. Groaning, Katherine covered her face with both hands before running them through her hair. "Fine. We'll talk about it. Just this once and then never again."

"Deal." The handsome bastard's smug grin had her heart skipping a beat in her chest. Holding his coffee cup out to Kelly, who chose that moment to come over to refill it, Bucky didn't spare the other woman a glance even though she had fixed her lipstick and the flyaways while she'd been gone. When their waitress realized he wasn't going to give her the time of day she dejectedly wandered over to another table. Feeling more than a little happy by the interaction or lack thereof, Kat took a sip of her orange juice to hide her smile.

"So I, uh.." Clearing her throat Kat looked away briefly before forcing herself to look him dead in the eyes. 'Suck it up, Blake.' Getting straight to the point she listed off everything she did in a rush while tearing her napkin into little pieces. "I drunkenly hit on you in front of our friends. Told you you smelled good while repeatedly smelling you. Proceeded to pass out on you which in turn had you carrying me to my apartment where I then begged you to stay with me while I fell asleep." ...And yes, if you were wondering, it did sound so much worse when it was verbalized.

"I didn't think you'd actually say it." Shocked and a little impressed he jokes, "But don't worry, only Steve was there for the shirt smelling." He didn't even try to hide his grin or his amused chuckle. When she leaned down to softly bang her head on the table in mortification Bucky laughed a little bit more. "It's really not that bad, doll." At her glare he stifled his laughter although his eyes shined with it. "At least I know I have good taste in cologne."

"God, please stop. It's bad enough I said it out loud, more than once. We really don't need to go into any more detail than that." Sitting up she apologized. "I'm really sorry about all of it, Bucky. I swear I'll never drink that much or hit on you again." At his surprised and slightly disappointed expression she frowned. "What?"

"You called me, Bucky." Tapping his fingertips on the table, he tilted his head to the side as if thinking about whether or not he liked it. Grinning, she scrunches her nose and looks out the window as she thinks back over what she said. Not noticing the way his eyes soften at the gesture because he finds it adorable. "I guess I did. It must be growing on me."

Staring down into his half drunk coffee Bucky takes a breath before peeking up at her. "I didn't mind it, you know." At her questioning head tilt he practically mumbled, "The hitting on me part. Or any of it really. I thought it was sweet." Well that was unexpected. Before she could answer, Kelly was back with their plates full of steaming delicious food.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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