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It's the day of the game.

Once I grabbed my sports bag which contained my cheer outfit, I closed my locker to reveal Carlos. I screamed, not expecting him to be there.

A/n - I kinda got that idea from Wandavision where Wanda turns around to be scared by Pietro😅😌

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Carlos apologised. "It's fine. It's not your fault." I smiled at him. "Remember last night with those batch of cookies. Well, we had too many so we thought to give you and Ben some." He said. "That's thoughtful, Carlos. Thankyou. But- I do have a game and I don't want to be sick or anything due to the flips and spins I'm gonna be doing." I said. "No no, that's fine. It's smart actually. I bet everyone knows not to take sweet treats from villians or their kids." He replied. I snatched the bag from his hand and took one of the cookies out and ate it. "Oh my goodness! These are amazing! Are you sure you guys haven't made cookies before?" I exclaimed, asking Carlos. "Definitely not. Besides, it was more Mal and Evie who made them. Jay and I just sat back and watched honestly." He said.

While he was talking, I felt something poking at my chest but it soon stopped. Wait- Dad always said that if you're about to be spelled, then you'll getting a poking feeling in your heart. Did Carlos try to spell me?! According to the spell lessons I had as a kid to know which spell has been put upon you, a symbol will be placed in your eyes.

"I'll see you at the game." I quickly said, walking off and looking into a pocket mirror. I saw heart symbol. Great, a love spell. He tried to spell me with a love spell. But it looks as if it's only half a heart. So it must have failed. What the hell is going on?

Time skip

We were tied with the oposite team as the last two minutes rolled in. It took us 60 seconds each to get into two pyramids.

It was three kids on the bottom, two in the middle and one on top. Me and Audrey were on the top of each pyramid to show we were the captain and future captain of the cheer team.

Not going to lie, I am so glad I get to retire cheer. Because my legs are ACHING right now. And my back. And basically my whole body.

In the end, we won with Ben scoring the winning goal. We got down and I ran up to Ben and hugged him. "Your last game and you won. Congrats brother." I said, patting his shoulder. "Your last cheer as well. I know you've been saying that you can't wait to be able to quit." He told me. I nodded and told him, "Yeah. Can finally relax." "One second sis." He told me before grabbing the microphone from the guy who was speaking the game or whatever it's called. "Excuse me!" He yelled. "Excuse me! Can I have your attention!" He yelled again, the mic making it louder.

Everyone including Audrey and I was looking at Ben, waiting for him to say something. "Give me an M!" He yelled into the mic. Everyone yelled the letter while copying his actions. He did it with the letter 'A' and the letter 'L' as well. "What does that spell?" He asked loudly. "MAL!" We screamed.

Audrey ran off, obviously upset. Ok, not the way I would have broken up with anyone but I guess it works.

We ended up singing this song that Ben had apparently planned. After the game and everyone went their own way, I stopped Carlos. "Can I uh- speak to you?" I asked him. He nodded and said sure.

I took him underneath the bleachers. "What was in those cookies?" I asked. My voice was stern. "What do you mean? They were just normal cookies." He was lying. "Look in my eyes. Do you see anything different?" I asked him another question. "You've got half a heart in your eyes." He said. "Exactly. So, you guys tried to spell me. And I saw the same thing in Ben's eyes. So you guys spelled him too. Why? Why, Carlos?" I asked. He didn't answer, but instead he hung his head low.

I used my finger to lift his head up. "I'm not mad. I promise." I told him. "Why don't, we get changed into normal clothing and then we can talk. Meet back here in half an hour." I told him. He agreed.

We met back up after half an hour. My hair was soaked due to getting showered.

The bleachers were now cleaned of sweets and popcorn so we sat on there. "I'm sorry about the spelling you and Ben thing. I tried to tell Mal it was a bad idea but she didn't listen to me." He said. "It's fine. Didn't fully work anyway, or else it would have been a full heart. I mean, I understand why. It's because you had a crush on me, right?" I asked. He nodded his head, not talking. "Well, what if I were to say that as soon as I fully saw you, I liked you too." I said. "Wait- you do?!" He exclaimed. "Yeah. Not going to lie, I get guys flirting with me and asking me out all the time. I said no because I was waiting for the right person. I think I found them." I said looking at him.

"Well then. Uh- How do I say this? Uh- Doyouwannagooutsometime?" He practically screamed at me. "I could not tell a word you just said." I told him. "Do you, wanna go out, with me, sometime?" He asked slower.

"Sure. Pick me up at 5 on Saturday. I'm free after 3 but it will give me time to get ready. Joys of being future queen aye." I said, standing up. "I'll pick you up tomorrow then. Considering today is Friday." He told me. "You are correct. I have to go though. Mom just texted, said she needs me to meet up with her about something. See you tomorrow." I said, walking off waving. He waved back and I went to meet up with mom.

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