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So sorry I haven't published in a while. Honestly, I kinda wanted to put this book on hold for awhile till I got other books published that weren't gonna take as long. But I didn't realise I'd waisted a bit too much time writing in other books that I kinda forgot about this one. Really sorry and I'm really gonna try publish more chapters in this book now that I'm not working on as many books :)

"Ben. Help me with the Tarp." Carlos spoke as I stood with Evie. Evie gave me a quick briefing on how to be 'not good' as she described it. The boys put the sheet over the limo in order for nobody to see it shining and try to steal it, considering we had to leave everything in there so nobody would try steal our only way out of this place. "Bailey. Catch this." 

Carlos threw over another tarp and I caught it, Evie helping me cover the rest of the limo up. "What's in here?" Ben yelled, his voice echoing throughout of the red pipe. "You don't want to know." Jay replied as Evie dragged him to stand in between herself and me. "Guys. Keep it chill, alright? We can't have anybody knowing we're back here. Especially our parents." We all agreed, knowing that the three of them plus Mal weren't exactly everyone's favourite around here.

And Carlos told me that his mother used him as a slave so if I saw her, I don't know what I'd do.

Hit her? No. 

Try to kill her for hurting the one I l- like very much. Maybe. I don't know, I just know she's a bitch for using her son as her little slave. Lazy psycho bitch.

All of us walked around when Evie had two boys grab her. They couldn't have been any older than six, maybe seven. Evie yelled at the kids to stop, but let them go. "Ben." Evie mumbled. I groaned, knowing my brother's tendency to wander new places. But before I could follow, I felt a tug on the back of my leg. I looked down to see a little girl trying to take money from my back pocket. Why I brought it I don't know. "Hey. You want this?" I asked, bending down to her level.

The little girl nodded. "How about, you tell me your name, and I'll give it to you." "Elizabeth. Elizabeth Gothel." She replied. "Well Elizabeth. You can have this.." I pulled out an extra hundred. The girl's eyes went wide. "If you promise no more stealing. Deal?" I held out my pinkie, and she jumped back, fear in her eyes. But once she realised that I wouldn't truly hurt her, she looked at my finger in anticipation. "You just do this. See?" I linked my two pinkies together. Then held my pinkie out to her, and she linked her pinkie with mine. "See. Not so bad. Now, here you go. Stay safe kid." She smiled and left, giggling at how much money she got. "Come on." Carlos inquired as I stood up. "You're good with kids." He commented. "Yeah, I'm always comforting Ben since we were kids after dad goes all beast on him. Don't tell ben I said that, he hates anyone except me knowing how weak he is against his own father. They love each other, it's just sometimes he and dad have different opinions on things. So while moms calming down dad, I'm making sure Ben is alright." Carlos looked at me, knowing the look I gave him and we caught up with the others.

Rounding a corner, we found Ben trying to make conversation with this guy who was definitely not wanting to make small talk. "Calm it big boy!" I told the person, dragging Ben away. The others got the guy to leave. "Ben. Stop trying to make these guys your friend. See them posters.." I pointed to two posters. One was of Ben and Mal, their faces crossed out and written nasty things all over it, and then another next to it with me and Carlos, the same sort of crossing out and evil shit written over it. "We are the enemies to these guys." I finished. "Bailey's right. This isn't a parade it's the Isle." Evie spoke up. "Keep your hands in your pockets unless your stealing." "You either slouch or strut." "And never ever smile." Evie, Carlos and Jay told Ben and I. Mostly Ben though. I already got this talk from Carlos, since he was worried he'd be sent back there and went on a whole rant about how his life was here. "Ok, thanks..." Ben started. "No. No thankyou's. And no pleases either. Here, you gotta be someone else to fit in." I told him. "You sure you're not from here?" Ben asked, whispering. "I'm pretty sure." I whispered back. "Now. Just...chill."

With that said, we showed the way of the isle to Ben. Well- Evie, Carlos and Jay did. I just sat back because I may have known more than Ben, he still needed someone on his side and because I didn't know as much as the other three. I joined in though with the dancing and sitting on the fence as Ben made the trash bin crash to the floor. He then sat next me and Evie. We all leant back and Ben almost fell back so I dragged him back up but it caused him to fall off. I laughed slightly, but got my composure sorted quickly. Calm it Bailey.

When they all huddled together. I decided to kiss Carlos to distract him as I stole his phone from his back pocket. "Like this?" Ben asked in a singing tone as he showed Jay his wallet and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. "And this?" I asked in the same tone, pulling away from Carlos to show him his phone. The others carried on and I brought my arms around Ben and Carlos. We danced down an alleyway, which brought a little attention but not enough for Evie, Jay and Carlos' parents to find out we were here. I hope not anyway.

We soon stopped singing and Ben carried on doing the little dance. "So, you like my little stealing act?" I asked Carlos. "If you do that to all the guys.." "Or girls." I reminded him. "Either way. I'll not let you stay in mine and Jay's dorm ever again." I fake gasped before both of us laughed.

A month ago, I told him I was bisexual and because he grew up around homophobic people or people he couldn't trust often, he knew nothing of it. So I explained that I like both girls and guys in a romantic way, but I only had eyes for him. He didn't mind, even said he'd hurt anyone who bullied me for it. But I'm not out to anyone except him and Ben, since I don't trust the media finding out and it being a world-wide thing.

Us two plus Evie and Jay caught up to Ben who was talking to some guy. This didn't seem good.

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