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It's been six months since the coronation and it has been one hell of a rollercoaster since.

Mal and Carlos are due to become Lady and Lord of the court. Carlos has officially adopted Dude which meant that Evie made him a BUNCH of clothes to a point he has his own little wardrobe full of clothes next to mine and Carlos'. That's only for whenever I stay in his and Jay's dorm because of royalty problems and shit like that.

Anyway, I am currently walking with Ben who is eating an apple while I walk Dude for Carlos. "What's going on over there?" I asked, gesturing to the huge crowd of reporters near dad's statue. "I don't know. Let's check." Ben responded.

We headed over to realise that once again people were bothering our lovers. So we of course interviened. I picked up Dude and gave him to Carlos and dragged him away. This earned the reporter closest to us to constantly follow us.

I had had enough with this! "Look sir, if you have a stalking problem, then get a therapist. If you're obsessed with me or my boyfriend or our dog, then get lost!" With that, Carlos and I walked away with Carlos petting Dude. It helped him with his nerves. Kinda like a service dog. As long as it helps him though then I don't care. Carlos and Dude are my first priorities. Always!

With Cruella, EQ and Jafar
(Bet ya didn't see that coming)

They were always watching the TV ever since Carlos and Mal dated King Ben and Queen Bailey. "I like her. She has power!" Cruella stated, pointing at Bailey who just yelled at the reporter. "You say that every week Cruella. Its getting old!" EQ grumbled.

She wouldn't say anything, but she missed her best friend. The only woman on the isle she could actually talk with. She and Maleficent were like two peas in a pod, just like their daughters Evie and Mal.

"Well I must go sell things." Jafar stated, using the same excuse just to get away from the two ladies. "I must go too. Need to get my henchmen in check!" Cruella also commented, standing up to leave as well. They both left the building leaving EQ to be alone with her thoughts.

Back with Bailey, Mal and the others

I was with Evie who was taking Dude's measurments. "You're almost set. Just have to pick out the materials." Evie said as she brought out a bunch of materials. We had done this routine with Dude everytime. He chose his outfit and Evie would somehow piece it together. No matter what though he would love it. Was like a girl with shoes when it came to him wearing outfits.

"Now you!" Evie said, turning to me. She had specifically requested to be my tailor. And I had agreed as well so it wouldn't be so hard on the previous tailor me and Ben had.

She had put me in a dress that was yellow and had red netting at the bottom and red swirls on the bodice. She wanted me and Mal to "match" but have something different as well. I think she knows something I don't but whatever. "I'll call you when it's all sorted." She said before ushering us out.

But what she didn't know was that someone was walking past, so Evie pushed me into the person. "I am so sorry I-" I looked up at saw it was Jay. "Its cool. Getting your dress fitted I see?" Jay said, gesturing me being shoved out of Evie and Mal's dorm. "Yeah. And as usual, this one got an outfit as well. Swear this dog is secretly a girl." I joked. He laughed and we parted ways.

Time skip

I got today off due to the amount of paperwork I had to sign. Carlos dropped Dude off at my office the morning before school. Yeah, for some reason mom and dad gave me and Ben offices within the school. Weird I know but whatever.

As soon as Dude saw his little corner, he dashed for it and sat down. "I'll see you later ok." Carlos stated. I nodded, half asleep.

"Stop stressing, you'll get there." He told me, kissing my forhead. "I'm just tired. How mom got through this I don't know." I complained. "Now get going before you're late." He chuckled at my demand. "Can't I just stay with you?" He whined.

I shook my head. "As your queen I demand you go to class." He saluted and walked out.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Carlos came and took Dude for a walk during lunch and I joined him to take a break.

We met up with Mal, Evie, Ben and Jay. "So, who you taking to cotillion Jay?" I asked Jay. "I'm going solo, that way I can dance with every girl there. Obviously if they have a date then I'm not gonna, I have respect." He said, causing Carlos to roll his eyes jokingly.

Jane soon ran up to us all. She needed Mal to choose things like party decorations ect. "Ben, Carlos. Come here." Jane said to both mine and Mal's boyfriends. I looked at Mal weirdly as she did to me. "We'll see you later." Ben said. Mal and I nodded before I took Dude and left back to my office while Mal went to class.

Time skip

I just finished the paperwork when Carlos came in. "Hey, I got fencing practice in five if you wanna come watch." He said. "Sure. I just finished the paperwork though so if I fall asleep it's because I've been up since five this morning." I half joked. "Then i shalt carryeth thee up the stairs and lodging thee in thy sleep chamber!" He spoke, using shakespearean instead of modern.

I laughed, "Just because I have to learn shakespearean, does not mean you have to as well. But it is cute." I kissed his cheek and we left with Dude walking next to our feet.

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