👋First Meet👋

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Type: Idk?

This is not when they actually first meet as kids, they are 16 in this (this also takes a long time to get going so be patient 🙏)(this oneshot is really long also...)

Zander's POV

I awoke early, before my alarm clock. Today was my first day at my new school. Nobody was even awake yet. I looked at the clock which said 6:14. I had a horrible feeling in my stomach, a sickening feeling. I was scared. Not just a little bit scared, but really anxious about my first day. Look, I know I'm sixteen, but I hate the spotlight. Not like Hailey, with stage fright, that I can handle. I hate being the centre of attention with people I'm going to have to interact with. It's Hailey's first day too I guess, and that makes me feel better. Suddenly I saw footsteps through the bottom crack of my bedroom door. I sighed. Getting out of bed, I rubbed my tired eyes. I didn't get to sleep until about 1 in the morning. I picked out my usual outfit and walked into the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess and my eyes looked so tired. I got changed quickly and washed my face, and by wash my face I meant throw water over myself. I combed my hair to make it neater, and exited the bathroom, dumping my pyjamas onto the dirty clothes pile. "Good morning." My mom passed me by. "Morning..." I said tiredly. "You excited for your first day at your new school?" She asked. "Mom, I'm not a kid anymore, of course I'm not excited." I grumbled. "Don't be such a grump!" She said picking up the dirty clothes that were dumped on the floor, "Think positive! It'll be more positive if you do." She went downstairs, calling Hailey to get her breakfast. Her bedroom door opened, and out she came, looking a lot more awake and smart than I did. "Hey dork." She walked up to me, "You ok?" She asked. She wasn't really concerned, she always said that to me when we woke up. "Mhm." I crossed my arms. "M'kay." Hailey said, walking past me and running down the stairs. I sighed. I really didn't want to do this. I went back into my room, retrieving my school bag and trying to think positive, but it wasn't working. I walked downstairs, holding onto the banister because I was tired. Hailey and my mom were sat at the table, discussing girly things that I didn't have time for. I plopped down in my chair and stared at the ground.  "You having breakfast?" Hailey asked, shoving a spoonful of cornflakes into her mouth. I shrugged. I really didn't feel like eating, but I know I'd be hungry at school if I didn't. "Alex, you need to eat something before school. You can't do this on an empty stomach!" My mom got out of her chair and got me a bowl and spoon. "Eat up." She said. She walked into the living room and I poured myself a bowl of cereal. Hailey looked ready for today, she seemed happy enough, unlike me. I however was not ready for today. I felt sick. I didn't want my breakfast, so I just stared at the bowl infront of me. "You gonna eat that?" Hailey asked, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. I shrugged, looking at the ground. "Hey, Zan, you ok?" She took a sip of her drink. "I'm fine, I just don't feel hungry." And as soon as I said that my stomach started growling, ironically. "Mhm. You're stomach's making noises, eat something!" She encouraged. I gritted my teeth. I picked up my spoon and held a mouthful of cereal infront of my face. "Are you nervous about starting school?" Hailey asked. "If I'm being honest, yes. I'm terrified." I gripped onto my spoon tighter. "Really? You know you'll be fine! It'll be fun!" She hopped out of her chair and dumped her dishes in the sink. "Zander, Hailey! We're leaving in 5 minutes!" My mom called from the living room. "You might wanna eat a little bit faster." Hailey patted my back and ran into the living room. I took a few spoonfuls of my cereal, trying not to gag, before we left the house. We arrived at the school on time, thankfully. "Right. Do you have everything? Make sure you look smart." My mom nagged. "Yep! I'm all good!" Hailey said optimistically. "Mhm." I groaned. "Alex, please. At least try to make this fun." My mom put her hand on my shoulder. "Right. I'll see you both later!" She waved goodbye and drove away. I felt like I could throw up at any moment. "Cmon, dork." She walked into the huge building. Here goes nothing. I walked through the halls, my head hanging low. I wasn't looking where I was going and I had lost Hailey in the crowd. Now I was even more terrified. Suddenly I felt something against me, pushing me back, onto the hard, cold floor. "Oh my gosh! I- I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I looked up and saw a guy stood infront of me, holding out his hand. I felt my face flush with heat. I took his hand and thrusted myself up. "Are you ok?! I'm really sorry." He asked frantically. "I-I.." My words wouldn't come out like I wanted them to. "Um, I- yeah, yeah. I-I'm fine." I was stuttering like shit. "Good! I'm Luke by the way." He smiled at me sweetly. I felt another sickening feeling in my stomach, but this time it didn't feel as horrible. It felt kinda like... Butterflies? "And you are...?" He asked, waiting for my name. "Oh! Uh, um, I-I'm Zander." I replied, my face felt boiling hot at this point. "Nice to meet you, Zander. Are you new here?" He asked, smiling brightly at me. "Uh, yeah, yeah I am." I fiddled with the strap on my bag. "Cool. Would you like to sit with me at lunch today?" His beautiful golden eyes blinked down at me. They were so pretty. Like I could just stare at them all day and get lost in them. "Uh, is that a no...?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh?!" I blinked. "Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" He asked again, slightly chuckling at the end. "Uh, ok." I said, looking down shyly. His laugh. It sounded so calming. "Great! I'll see you then!" He waved goodbye, walking away. I sighed. He's so handsome. Wait! What am I saying? What is this feeling? I gulped, heading to my new locker. All I could think about was him. Luke.

Yes I know this one was very long and took ages to start but hope you enjoyed^^

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