2 | My Friends Need Me

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23 hours 55 minutes and 10 seconds.
That was how long Elora needed to persuade her family, mainly her mom, to let her go to the states.


"Hey mom," Elora said when she saw her mom the next day.

"Morning," her mom said while cooking.

"I have something to ask," Elora started. "I need to go to camp. There's a mission I might help with."

"Aren't you supposed to go after your holiday?"

"...Yes," she answered.

"Question answered." Her mom didn't look up from the stove when responding.

"Wha- but they could use my help!"

"You go on the 26th, Elora," her mother said. "We're supposed to have Christmas together."

"I know mom," she said. "Hopefully it'll be quick and-"

"Nope," her mother cut her off. "Call your sister. Breakfast is done." Her mother left as soon as she finished to get her grandma.


"Jie, ayo temanin belanja." Her mother came behind her and clapped her back.

"Ya," she replied.

They went to the grocery store in a mall. After strolling across the many isles, they went to the veggie section.

"So...," Elora started. "Can I go?"

"No," her mother said with slight anger. "Why don't you go weigh the vegetables?"

Her mother handed her bags of veggies to be weighed and sealed. She took them without complaint knowing that if she said one more word, things would turn really bad for her.


Never cross with mom. That was a lesson she learned pretty quickly. Her mother was a nice woman and an amazing mother. But test her and you'll awaken the dragon. From there, basically, everything turns to fire and ash. Metaphorically.

She tried over and over again to persuade her mother until one day, victory was hers.


"Mom," Elora said.

Without waiting to hear what she wanted to say, her mom shot her down. "No."

"They really might need me, mom," she continued. "They are my best friends and they need my help."

Her mother sighed at her pleading. "I know. But it's been different after you discovered your... godly side."

Elora moved to sit next to her mother on the sofa when her mother beckoned her to come.

"You were not even 12 when you discovered it. You went to camp and you've gone on some crazy life-threatening quests. I just want us to celebrate and back to what we were like before... you know."

"I know, mom," she said. "But I really want to help them, mom."

Her mother sighed at her statement. "Okay. Go and help them-"

"Thank you, mom!" Elora hugged her mom. Her mother stiffened and with good reason. It has been years since they've hugged each other. Breaking off the hug, she sat back feeling a bit embarrassed.

"As I was saying, be careful, okay," her mother said to her. "Don't throw your head straight to any problems. Think things through. Promise me you will be okay."

"Promise, mom."

"Pack up. I'm assuming you're using your shadows?" her mom asked.



That very night, she packed up for camp. She decided to leave the next day and give out her final goodbyes until she could come back home.

"Bye sis," Elora said when she passed her younger sister.

"Bye jie, don't die," she said in return. "If you do, I'm going to talk to him and ask him to resurrect you."

Elora laughed at her sister's words. Like any siblings, they pick petty fights with each other but at the end of the day, they love each other.

"Bye Jie!" Micah shouted.


Last goodbyes were to her mother, stepfather, and her grandma.

"Hati-hati ya," her grandmother said.

"Iya," she responded. "Bye! I'll try to get back for Christmas." was all she said before she walked across the room to a corner with her backpack. With a final look at her family, she shadow traveled and ended up in the heart of camp.

"Glad to see you're able to come with us," Thalia said from behind her.

"Hey!" Elora turned around and smiled at her friend. "Where's Annabeth?"

"No idea," Thalia answered.

"Elora!" A voice she knew to be Annabeth's reached her ears. The blonde jogged her way to the pair and said, "You made it."

"I did," Elora answered. "How else would I be here?"

"How long did it take?" Annabeth asked.

Her best friend hasn't met her mother face to face yet but they have seen and talked to each other from Iris Messages.

"23 hours, 55 minutes, and 10 seconds."

Annabeth laughed and Thalia had a confused look on her face.

"What's 23 hours for?" her raven-haired friend asked.

"To persuade my mom into letting me go," Elora answered.

"That is a long time," her friend responded back.

"It's a wonder she can persuade her mother," Annabeth tells Thalia. "There's no arguing with her mother. You should try meeting her."

Thalia raised her eyebrow and glanced at Elora. "Awesome. When can we meet her?"

Elora was about to reply when someone interrupted their conversation.

"Sorry but at this moment, no one is meeting anyone's parents. Except for mine who is waiting right outside the borders of camp," Percy cut in. "And I believe you, owe your best friend in the world a hug." The last part was directed at her.

She laughed but made her way to Percy and wrapped her arms around his already awaiting arms, stretched out. "Miss ya huntress."

"Missed you too, you big-shot hero."

"As adorable as the two of you are, we gotta go," Annabeth cut in.
We broke off our embrace and Percy led the way.


1. Ayo temenin belanja: Come accompany me shopping / accompany me shopping
2. Ga: No
3. Hati-hati: Be careful

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