9 | The Goddess Of The Hunt Tried Helping My Love Life... Such Irony

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Elora walked around aimlessly. She passed Hunters doing their business. The ones she knows like Zoe, Phoebe, Astra, called her.

"Elora." Zoe walked over to her. "Come, we're in need of some catching up."

The Hunter pulled her to where Phoebe and Astra were standing. "Hey, demi!"

"Hey, star," Elora said.

"In you go," Phoebe said before pushing her into the silver-colored tent behind them. Phoebe, Zoe, and Astra entered after her. The inside of the tent was warm and comfortable. Silk rugs and pillows covered the floor. In the center, a golden brazier of fire seemed to burn without fuel or smoke. the walls were hung with animal pelts: black bear, tiger, and several others.


She swiveled her head to the woman sitting on the tent floor. The goddess had a deer with glittering fur and silver horn resting contentedly, its head in Artemis's lap.

"My lady," she said and kneeled on the tent floor.

"There's no need for the kneeling," the goddess said. "Join us."

She stood up at the goddess's words and sat across her on the tent floor. Zoe sat on my right, Phoebe on my left, and Astra beside Phoebe.

"It's been a while since we've crossed paths," Artemis started. "How have you been? Your family?"

"I'm doing as well as a full-time student and demigod can be," she answered. "My family's okay aside my grandma. She's still sick."

"Cancer right?" Zoe asked.

Elora nodded. Her seventy-year-old grandmother used to live in another city. That is until she can't move her left side. Her mother heard and picked her up immediately. Then, there were checkups. Her first diagnosis was a stroke. But then the doctors re-diagnosed her with cancer.

"Why don't you get Lady Artemis's brother? Surely he'll help," Astra said.

"I don't think he would want to be bothered by a demigod asking him to cure her grandmother," Elora replied.

"Nonsense!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"I have faith that my brother would help if you asked," Artemis said. "He does like you."

The goddess's words got different reactions. Zoe wrinkled her nose in distaste, Phoebe faked a gag, Astra made puking sounds, and Elora looked down hoping no one would notice her blush. Artemis laughed at their reactions.

"Your brother likes everyone but will he help anyone?"

"Gods, no," Artemis answered. "One, my brother is social, people like him but he doesn't take much liking to them. Two, I'm his sister and as much as I dislike him, I can definitely tell he likes you." She smirked.

"Yeahh... okay, I'll try and ask him," Elora said.

"Try making yourself Lady Artemis' sister while you're at it will you," Astra added.

Everyone looked at the Hunter in shock.

"What?" She shrugged. "I get that we are a group of maidens who recruit other maidens before they get smitten by boys but, wouldn't it be nice to have another sister, my lady?"

"It would change things," Artemis said. Amusement filled her voice.

Elora gasped in shock. "I thought you wanted me to join the Hunt?"

"You'd make a good recruit," Zoe said.

"You can always join after you try things with Lady Artemis's brother," Phoebe chimed in. "To get experience in love or something."

"Okay!" Elora exclaimed with blushing cheeks. "We are not going to talk about my pretty nonexistent love life. Aphrodite's busying over it already. I do not need you guys in it too."

"Ooh... I wish you all the best," Astra said.


They lapped in comfortable silence for a while.

"Bianca di Angelo," Artemis said.

"What about her?" Elora asked.

"We recruited her," Zoe said.

Truth be told, she was shocked. What about Nico, she questioned.

"And is her brother..."

"Possibly being notified right now."

"Oh," she said lamely.

"The Great Stirring is happening," Artemis said. "Bianca and your friend confirmed the manticore was talking about a monster that shall bring the downfall of Olympus."

"And I assume you're going to hunt it?"

"I must."

"Will the Hunters follow?" Elora asked.

"They will stay in Camp," Artemis answered. "It's too dangerous."

Zoe protested. Elora knew Zoe and Artemis had a strong bond. Zoe has followed Artemis for centuries.

"Do you know what the monster is?" Elora questioned. She had a few in her mind and none were good.

"A guess," Artemis said. "Let us pray I am wrong."

Elora cracked a smile before saying, "Can gods pray?"

The group laughed at her question. It was somewhat of a real question.

"I'm just saying, if they can, your brother might have to pray once I grow the guts to ask him for his help," Elora said. "Do you think I can force him to heal my grandma?"

"If he won't help you, a sister's nudging would change that immediately."

Laughter erupted once more. Elora was pretty sure Artemis nudging her brother wouldn't be a simple shove to the shoulders or arguments. She imagines it would include lots of arrows.

"You should rest while you can," Artemis said. "The sun would rise in a few hours. I swear he's so lazy in the winters."

"Great," Elora said without excitement.

"You and Bianca di Angelo are not the only one with an annoying brother. You'll get to meet my irresponsible twin today."

"Fun," she said sarcastically.

"Rest up."

"Whatever you say, my lady." She exited the tent.


Elora roamed the camp once more. She met a sulking Nico and tried talking to him but he wasn't in the mood so she told him she was all ears whenever he wants to talk before leaving him be. She didn't realize she walked to the borders until the wolves guarding their campsite were in view. Elora loved animals so she can't resist running and petting the wolves. When else can she have the chance?

"Hey," she said to a wolf resting nearby. Its fur was as grey on the top and faded into a lighter color going at the bottom.

The wolf's eye flicked to her face. She crept closer to it and the wolf studied her every move. She reached both her hands out to show it that she wasn't planning on doing anything to it. The animal sniffed her hand once she gets within his reach. Its sharp teeth flashed here and there but she wasn't afraid.

"I like you."


Quick Question: Who has siblings here? How do you like them? Comment your answers!

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