36 | The Winter Solstice

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"I must go to Olympus immediately," Artemis said. "I will not be able to take you, but I will send help."

The goddess set her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "You are brave beyond measure, my girl. You will do what is right."

"Elora," Artemis said. "You are always welcome to join the Hunt. To be an official hunter or just participating."

"Okay," she said before hiccuping. She'll try and if it fails, at least she tried and she'd went with Zoe's last wishes.

Then she looked quizzically at Thalia as if she weren't sure what to make of this daughter of Zeus. Thalia seemed reluctant to look up, but something made her, and she held the goddess's eyes. She wasn't sure what passed between them, but Artemis's gaze softened with sympathy. Then she turned to Percy.

"You did well," she said. "For a man."

She mounted her chariot, which began to glow. They averted their eyes. There was a flash of silver, and the goddess was gone.

"Well," Dr. Chase sighed. "She was impressive; though I must say I still prefer Athena."


Four pegasi descended through the fog: three white-winged horses and one pure black one.

"Blackjack!" Percy called when they landed.

Elora walked closer to Blackjack. "Hey, Jack." she lifts her palm out for him.

Blackjack nuzzled her palm and she petted him.

"He said hi," Percy said. "He also asked if you're okay."

"I'm okay Blackjack," she said to the Pegasus. "Just some scratches."

"He doesn't believe you," Percy forwarded. "He said and I quote, 'she looks like she rolled down a mountain and got crushed by falling rocks.'"

Elora winced. "That bad?"

"According to him," Percy said. "But he also said you look pretty as always."

"Huh. So what's it gonna be Blackjack?"


San Francisco was only a glittering crescent behind them, with an occasional flicker of lightning in the north. Thalia fell asleep on Porkpie's back. She stared up at the stars, memorizing the constellations. Annabeth and Percy flew along side by side.

They flew over a town, an island of lights in the middle of the dark. It whisked by so fast they might've been in an aeroplane.

The towns were zipping by faster, islands of light flew by until the whole landscape below was a glittering carpet. Dawn was close. The eastern sky was turning grey. And up ahead, a huge white and yellow glow spread out before them. The lights of New York.

"There it is." Thalia voiced. She was pointing toward Manhattan, which was quickly zooming into view. "It's started."

"What's started?" Percy asked.

She looked where Thalia was pointing. High above the Empire State Building, Olympus was its own island of light, a floating mountain ablaze with torches and braziers, white marble palaces gleaming in the early morning air.

"The winter solstice," Elora said. "The Council of the Gods."


They circled over midtown Manhattan, making one complete orbit around Mount Olympus. She'd only been there a few times before, travelling by elevator up to the secret six hundredth floor of the Empire State Building or being poofed there.

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