7 | Reunited With The Gals

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"Curse you!" Thorn cried. He unleashed his spikes, dozens of them at once, into the woods where the arrow had come from. Where her friends are. But just as fast, silvery arrows shot back in reply. It almost looked like the arrows had intercepted the thorns in midair and sliced them in two. The first time they showed her how to do that, she was impressed. It was something she was still learning to do. She was good with a bow but nowhere near their skills. No one could shoot with that accuracy. Not even Apollo's kids. 

The manticore pulled the arrow out of his shoulder with a howl of pain. His breathing was heavy. Percy tried to swipe at him with Riptide, his sword, but Thorn wasn't as injured as he appeared to be. He dodged Percy's attack and slammed his spiky tail into Percy's shield, knocking him aside. 

Red flashed as she saw her best friend knocked aside. She lifted her double swords and jumped in the action again. No one was allowed to hurt her best friend. Her arm burned from poison and her stomach was still actively bleeding, turning the snow red. She managed to get another slash in before the archers from the woods advanced on the manticore with determined expressions. Then, she retreated away from the monster and her friends.

"The Hunters!" Annabeth cried. 

Thalia looked as if she muttered something.

She didn't have a chance to ask her to repeat what she said.

One of the older archers stepped forward with her bow drawn. She was tall and graceful with coppery-colored skin. Unlike the other girls, she had a silver circlet braided into the top of her long dark hair, so she looked like some kind of Persian princess. "Permission to kill, my lady?"

The monster wailed. "This is not fair! Direct interference! It is against the Ancient Laws."

"Not so," another girl said. This one was a little younger than her. She guessed twelve or thirteen though she knew the archer was nowhere near twelve or thirteen. She had auburn hair gathered back in a ponytail and silvery yellow eyes like the moon. "The hunting of all beasts is within my jurisdiction. And you, foul creature, are a wild beast." She looked at the older girl with the circlet. "Zoe, permission granted." 

The manticore growled. "If I cannot have these alive, I shall have them dead!"

Thorn lunged at Thalia and Percy while Elora ran as fast as she could with both swords drawn to block them from the monster. 

"No!" Annabeth yelled, and she charged the monster.

"Get back, half-blood!" Zoe said. "Get out of the line of fire!" 

But Annabeth leaped onto the monster's back and drove her knife into his mane. The manticore howled, turning in a circle with his tail flailing as Annabeth hung on for dear life. Elora dropped her swords and ran to pull Annabeth before any of the Hunters fired. She was almost there when Zoe gave the order.


"No!" Percy and Elora screamed. 

The Hunters let their arrows fly. The first caught the manticore in the neck. Another hit his chest. And a third, his leg. the manticore staggered backward, wailing, "This is not the end, Huntress! You shall pay!"

And before anyone could react, he jumped over the cliff and tumbled into the darkness below with Annabeth still on his back. 


Percy and Elora started to run, but their enemies weren't done with them. There was a snap-snap-snap sound from the helicopter as it fired down on them. 

Most of the Hunters scattered as tiny holes appeared in the snow at their feet, but the girl with auburn hair just looked calmly at the helicopter.

"Mortals," she announced, "are not allowed to witness my hunt." 

With a thrust of her hand, the helicopter exploded into a flock of birds-- raven, and they scattered into the night. 

The Hunters advanced on them. 

Zoe stopped short when she saw Thalia. "You," she said with distaste. 

Elora wondered what caused their dislike for the other. 

"Zoe Nightshade." Thalia's voice trembled with anger. "Perfect timing, as usual."

Zoe scanned the group and landed on Elora. Her gaze stayed on her and a small smile appeared on her face before she turned. "Three half-bloods, a satyr, and Elora, my lady."

"Yes," the younger girl said. "Some of Chiron's campers, I see." When Elora caught her eye, Elora gave her a small smile. 

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled. "You have to let us save her!" 

"I'm sorry Percy Jackson, but your friend is beyond help."

Percy struggled to get to his feet, but a couple of Hunters held him down. "Let me go!" he demanded. "Who do you think you are?"

"Percy," Elora said, effectively gaining his attention. "That is Lady Artemis. Goddess of the Hunt."

Elora then kneeled and bowed her head to show her respect to the goddess she looked up to. After a few heartbeats, she stood again. 

Artemis looked at Percy, her eyes were cold and brighter than the winter moon shining above. "Your friend is right. I am Artemis. Goddess of the Hunt." 

After her announcement, Percy did something real intelligent. He said, "Um... okay." Elora swears that he needed some tweaking. Who says 'Um... okay' in front of a deity? This boy, she thought. 

Grover on the other hand gasped and knelt hastily in the snow and started yammering. "Thank you, Lady Artemis! You're so... you're so... Wow!" Satyrs and their nature, she thought again. Finally, this time. It's somewhat a sight to see your satyr friend fawning over Artemis. 

Her eyes left Percy's and went to Elora. "It is nice to see you again, Elora. The Hunt have missed you." 

"It's nice to meet you too, my lady," Elora answered. "I hope I can join you in more adventures soon." 

"You just might."


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