16 | Bonding Time

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After her talk with Grover and Percy, Elora walked around the camp aimlessly. She really had no schedule for the day.


In the midst of her walking, she didn't pay much attention and ran straight into Nico. "Sorry, Nico."

"It's okay," he said. "Hi Elora!"

"Hello," she said.

"You're not training?" Nico cocked his head to the side.

"Not now, why?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing," he said. "I just finished training five minutes ago and I'm bored. I have nothing else to do for today."

"How was training?"

"Hard," Nico whined. "How do you do that every day?"

"You'll get used to it," she answered truthfully. "Now, you said you were bored?"

Nico nodded and Elora smiled. "Do you come with me?"

"Where?" he asked.

"Anywhere you want," she said. "Paris, Milan, Italy, you name it."

"Cool!" Nico said. He was bouncing up and down with joy. "Can we go to Italy?"

"Let's go." She took Nico's right hand and walked to the Big House.


"Why are we going to the Big House?" Nico asked puzzled.

"You'll see in a bit," she said.

Once they reached the Big House, Elora dropped Nico's hand.

"Wait here," she said.

"Okay," Nico said.

She nodded once and climbed up the patio. Mr. D was sitting there so she went over to him and told him she was going to take Nico around.

"Whatever," Mr. D said. "You're good enough to take care of yourself and the kid. Just come back for dinner."

"Will do, Mr. D," she said.

"Go on then." He waved a hand dismissively.

She jogged her way down the steps. "Bring some souvenirs back. I'm talking about edible ones."

She turned to face Mr. D again. "Will do."

"You better, or I'll leave you to the monsters."

"Okay," she said to Nico. "Come on."


Elora took Nico's hand again and walked to the side of the Big House. It was quite the structure and gives off a good shade for shadow traveling.

"How are we going there?"

"By something called shadow traveling," Elora answered.

"What's that?" Nico asked. His face was scrunched in confusion.

"It's a mode of traveling using shadows," she said.

"Cool! Can I learn how to do it?" Nico asked.

"It's not something every demigod can do," she said. "Each demigod has their own skills depending on their godly parent. I can do shadow traveling because I'm a child of Hades, and it's something his kids can do. I suppose other demigods can do it too if they were blessed by my father, but if not, then it's not possible for them to do."

"Oh," he said. "I hope I'm like you! Then you'll be my sister and I can do shadow travel too!"

"We'll see when you get claimed," she said.

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