28 | A Royal Deck

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"Bathroom! Behind me! Now!"

Elora don't know why, but she listened to the redhead. Her hand was still closed around Percy's wrist so when she slipped inside the female's restroom, she dragged her friend along.

"Gah!" Percy said. "Wrong bathroom!"

When she realized it, she let go of his wrist and shushed him. "No one's here anyway."

Just then, a flush sounded from one of the toilets and a lady emerged.

Percy pinched her arm. "You were saying?"

She grimaced and faced the lady, "Hi?"

The lady looked to her male companion and huffed. "Kids these days, hooking up left and right." She passed the duo and started to wash her hands. From time to time, she'd look at the mirror which showed her and Percy.

"Wonder what's up with her," she whispered. It's as if the lady has a stick up in her.

"Traumatized from kids like us hooking up maybe," he mumbled.

"Hm, wanna hook up," she said looking up to him. "A pretend one," she clarified.

Percy raised one of his brows. "Planning on further traumatizing the lady?"

"You kids shouldn't be so close," the lady suddenly said. "He should go. This is the female's restroom."

"I really don't see why we shouldn't," she said.

"My dear girl, you should stay away from him. Boys like them are temporary. He'll leave after he's done with you," the lady chimed in.

You know, I'm wondering, what is taking her so long just to wash her hands?

"But she's been nothing but nice telling you all about me," he said.

"Oh hush, you in or out?"

"I'd be nuts if I'm out." Percy grinned and dragged her into the empty stall he picked. He locked the door after pulling her in. "Think the lady knows what we're up to?"

"She might think we're doing whatever it is she thinks we're doing." Elora smiled before covering the toilet with the lid rather loudly. I wonder what she's thinking of right now. She stepped up the lid and sat on the small counter provided. "Come on up."

Percy followed suit. "Ah," he sighed. "This feels nice."

"A nice break from all the running." She massaged her own feet and accidentally kicked one of the walls.

"Ah!" the lady screamed. "You blasted kids! I've warned you! Pah! You'll see what I mean in a bit! "

From the loud footsteps heard, Elora guessed the lady stomped her way out.

The door slammed shut and they let loose their bubbling laughter.

"Oh that was good!" she exclaimed. "We should do it again sometime!"


"All clear. But you'd better hurry."

They went down from the counter and unlocked the door.

The redhead looked shaken. Her face was gray and sweaty.

Percy peeked out the door. "Three skeletons running toward the other end of the balcony. The way to the elevator was clear." He went back in.

"We owe you one, Rachel Elizabeth Dare," Elora said. "Oh, by the way, did a lady come out looking rather pissed?"

"Weird question but yeah. She rambled about two kids being inappropriate in the bathroom," Rachel said. Realization seemed to dawn on her. "Oh my god. Did you?"

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