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Heavy, panicked breaths push out of your mouth as you run for your life from the psychopaths that blew up your helicopter. You're pretty sure the back of your head is bleeding from hitting against the rock when you tripped, but you can worry about that later. For now, you've got to focus on getting as far away as possible from those enemy soldiers and finding help.

"Heeeeyyy! Get back here!"

You look over your shoulder and see, with horror, that one of the soldiers is running after you. And he's fast!

You turn back around and force yourself to run faster even though your legs are already at their limits.

"I-I'm armed!" you shout over your shoulder at the soldier that's tailing you. "Stay back if you know what's good for you!"

"We just want to take you in for questioning!" the soldier yells back, still running after you. "It's standard procedure!"

"Does questioning mean torture?!" 

"Uhhh ... Yes, in some cases! Okay, in most cases!"

"Then stay away from me!" you squeal, pushing yourself to go even faster. Oh my gosh, you think to yourself as you begin to feel lightheaded, I wish I wouldn't have skipped P.E. class so much in high school!

Suddenly, about ten feet in front of you, the ground seems to explode. You stop running momentarily and stare as the orange dirt flies into the air and then settles back to the ground. Did ... did someone just shoot at you? Glancing down at your feet, you notice then that the ground is trembling. 

Looking behind you, you see that same tank rolling towards you at high speed. Your panicking mind screams, AGH, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO OUTRUN A TANK?!

The soldier who'd been running after you on foot quickly hops on the tank as it passes by him. He takes over the cannon and aims it directly at you.

"Good idea, Cap!" he shouts. "Why didn't I think of using the tank to chase her down?"

"That's why I get paid the big bucks, Steve, and you get paid nothing," Captain cheerfully reminds him from inside the tank. Steve pouts but quickly refocuses on aiming at you.

"Last chance before we start playing target practice with your head, little girl!" Captain warns you. How can he sound so nonchalant about that?! 

You keep running for a little while before your legs finally give out. You fall on your hands and knees, breathing heavily and coughing. The tank rolls to a stop next to you, casting you in its shadow. You whip your head around to look up at the two figures standing atop the tank. The sun was directly behind them, so you couldn't even make out the faces of your soon-to-be captors.

"Tie her up, Steve!" one of the figures commands. You could just hear the satisfied smirk in his authoritative voice. "Let's see if we can't get Little Miss Sneaky here to tell us about that army of hers."


Next chapter is a CHOICE CHAPTER!

Will you survive your "questioning" by these two dummies? Well, if you make the right choice, you will...

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