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Hi all you wonderful Tankfans! I figured I should put an update out & let everyone know I'm still around! Thanks for all the love you've been showing this story! (seriously your comments are so much fun to read and always make my day better)

Finals and family travel kept me busy recently, but I'm still writin', still kickin', still smitten with the Tankmen! I've written about 2500 words for the next chapter and hope to have it posted this weekend. Reader Didi is going to be doing a looot of running and screaming next chapter (she does that often lol).

Here's a little sneak peek!


"You alright there, space cadet?" Gruey wonders, hands on her hips. She and the others are wearing the same black uniform and running shoes you have on. "And why are you even out here, anyway? Don't tell me .... You're training with us?"

"I wish I didn't have to tell you that," you mumble, doing a few overhead stretches to try and shake off your nerves.

Gruey lets out a loud cackle. "This is gonna be SO hilarious."

"Yeah, maybe for you...."

Suddenly, an ear-splitting whistle blares out, causing everyone—except for you—to snap to attention. You watch in confusion as the others hurriedly get into a single file line and face north, shoulder to shoulder, where you see Captain and Steve walking towards your group.

Deciding to mimic everyone else, you scurry to the end of the line, beside the soldier that Captain so ruthlessly roasted yesterday for being chubbier than the others. After hesitating a moment, you face in the direction of Captain and Steve like the others are doing.

Captain strolls up to your group as confidently as he always seems to carry himself, with a swagger in his step and a bright grin on his face. He's wearing the same square goggles that he always wears. Are those just a standard part of a military captain's decorum? you wonder.

Captain folds his arms and looks at his four new recruits with a proud smile on his face. He issues each of them a nod.

"Bright and early today. I like it," he commends the group.


What's this? Is Captain being nice for once? Spoiler alert: I intentionally left off the rest of his comment xD

Before you go, I also wanted to tell everyone to please go check out Iamthemiccharacter and her awesome, action-packed Tankmen & OC story Tanked Heart if you haven't been reading it already! It's really good--the writing is so detailed and you will laugh out loud at some parts and relate to the rest. If you like realistic OCs and canon characters who stay in-character, go check that fic out! There's even an art break chapter that features Didi and some other familiar characters (I am on my way to view them again xD )

That's all for now.... Have a great week, everyone! :)

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