Chapter 12

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I fucking love her!

I LOVE PARK CHAEYOUNG!! THERE IS NO WAY! I...I can't...I...I don't like her. We're just friends. Nothing more

I stand up, leaving my instrument there and I go to the garden where The Royalties and their girls were.

"Oh you're back already, Jisoo?" Byul asks

"Yup. Let's go get smoothies. I pay" I tell them


"If you were gonna buy smoothies you should've brought Ch-"

"Let's go!" I yell, interrupting Lisa from saying 'Chaeyoung' because I'm trying to get my mind off of her

"Oh" Solar says and they all follow me into my limo, confused

We drive to my favorite smoothie place and they put two tables together so we can all fit while I order the smoothies and a few snacks that everyone wants. We sit down and start chatting while we wait for our order.

"Jennie said 'I was jealous' and the whole class laughed at her" Solar says and we all laugh while Jennie just looks annoyed

"I was just translating" she says, trying to defend herself

"Sureee babe, you know you were jealous though" Lisa tells her with a silly smirk

"No! I wasn't!" Jendeukie says with a pout that makes Lisa look at her with love in her eyes

"Yahhhh, the way Lisa is staring at Jennie is so sweet. I'm gonna get diabetes" Byul jokes and we all laugh

"Order 211" we hear a worker yell out and I look at my receipt


211....2/11. February 11th. Her birthday...

"Uhm, Jisoo that's our order" Seulgi says, snapping me out of my thoughts

"S-sorry" I say and stand up to grab the things, Seulgi and Irene come along to help me

- - -
Lisa P.O.V.

"I wonder what's up with her" Jeongyeon says as Jisoo, Seulgi, and Irene left to pick up the drinks

"She's been spacing out A LOT" Solar says

"Yeah, I wonder what's wrong" Byul says

"She's probably thinking about her" I say and they all look at me

"Chaeyoung?" my Nini asks

"Yeah" I say, nodding my head

"But...she seems sad now" Solar says as she looks in Jisoo's direction

I turn to look at her and she seems so...clueless

SeulRene and Jisoo place the drinks and snacks down on the table before sitting down. Everyone gets what they ordered and we start talking again.

"Guys, I got a few lyrics down but I don't know if it's for a love song" Jisoo says

"Ooooooh, what are they?" Byul asks

"It's just a few lines. It goes like 'Baby, there's nothing holding me back, you take me places that tear up my reputation'" she says, shy

"Woah, that's actually good!" Nini says with a shocked face

"Where'd you get the inspiration?" Seulgi asks her and Jisoo completely blanks out for a minute

We all look at each other, worried and confused

"Jisoo?" I ask and Jisoo shakes her head, coming back to her senses

"Hmm?" She asks, confused

"N-nothing. Ummm, do you guys recommend any movies?" I ask, changing the subject because of Jisoo

"Hmmm, have you watched..."

-After Smoothies, At School, Jisoo P.O.V.-

I was trying to forget her, but here I am in front of the door of her practice room with two smoothies in my hand.

I was about to knock, but suddenly the door opens, revealing the guy from earlier.

"Oh" I say and he looks at me, the smoothies, and back at me, confused

"Here" I say, handing him a smoothie

"Thanks" he says and grabs it

The situation is awkward because we clearly don't like each other, but then Chaeyoung comes and lightens the mood up

"Smoothieeeeees" she says with a huge smile on her face

I can't help but smile as I hand her the smoothie and she gladly takes it.

"Clearly, I'm no match" I hear the guy telling me in a low whisper before taking a sip of his smoothie

I glance at him and he smiles a little

"I'll be going now" he tells Chaeyoung and she nods

"Alright, stay safe" she tells him, making me feel envious of the way she cares for him

"You too" the guy says and he leaves

"Thanks for the smoothie" she thanks me and motions me to go in the room

I shake my head, "No worries, but sorry I can't go in. I need to go practice"

"Ah." She says, disappointment showing on her face

Suddenly I feel guilty

"Actually, I can stay for a few minutes" I say and her frown turns into a smile

"Yay!" She cheers and it makes me smile

I walk in and we both sit down.

"So, how was your rehearsal?" I ask her

"It was very good. Did you know Jungkook sings soooo well?" She asks and I fake out a chuckle

"How would I know? I just met him" I say, a little too cold

"But I think he sings louder than me and it makes me fade" she says with a sad look as she faces the floor and fiddles with her hands

"What do you mean?" I ask her and look at her face

"I don't think we're a great duo. He sings confidently and I sing quietly which makes me insecure and I'm just like the backing vocals" She says with a sigh and stops fiddling

"Why don't you talk to him about it?" I suggest

"But he's not the one who who's messing up. It's me" she says and continues fiddling with her hands

I slide my hand to hers and intertwine our fingers causing her to look up at me.

I look at her in the eyes and say, "Then be confident in your singing. Sing louder."

She looks down at my lips, licks her lips, and looks back at my eyes. I can't help but look at her kissable lips and then she starts leaning in slowly and I do the same.

- x -
996 Words

I'm so sorry because I haven't updated in a while, but I'll try to keep on writing more frequently! Thank you for waiting and supporting! 🫶💞

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