Overworked, Overheated (Gabe Brunai x Lui Shirasagijo)

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~~ Holy shit, thanks for 200k reads on this shitty book- ~~

A late and chilly night during March made Lui shiver slightly, burying his nose into his fluffy white coat. He adjusted the strap of his duffle bag on his aching shoulder, cracking his neck as he walked up the steps to a familiar house. He fished for his keys and fiddled with the house key, unlocking the front door and walking in. The baby-blue-haired teen kicked his boots off and set his bag down, unbuttoning his coat and hanging it up.
    “Gabe, I’m home!” Lui called out throughout the house, rubbing his freezing cheeks. No answer was given and the teen furrowed his eyebrows, looking around. “Gabe?”

The Spin Emperor walked up the stairs and checked the nursery, finding his baby sleeping peacefully in her crib. He sighed in relief and moved toward the bedroom, walking in and finding his partner there.
    “Oh, hey.” Lui started, yawning softly. “I tried calling out to you, why didn’t you answer?”
    “Because I was getting ready for bed. Lui, I’ve told you countless times to not stay out so late training. Especially since the baby is here now.” Gabe answered, sitting on the bed with his arms crossed.
    “Making up for lost practice, I need the extra time.” The shorter male spoke simply, starting to get changed.
    “Baby, you know I love you, but you cannot be staying out this late. I took care of her as soon as I got home from my classes because you weren’t here and my parents had to leave.”
    “I need to train again, Gabe. I had to go almost a year without competing or training because I was carrying Leila.”
    “We have a baby now, Lui. You can’t stay out for long periods at a time. I have a ton of homework to do, I can’t just be the only one watching her.”

Lui furrowed his eyebrows angrily and frowned, crossing his arms. 
    “Gabe, I don’t appreciate you trying to tell me how to live my life. I love our baby, of course I do, but I wanted some time to myself!”
    “It’s fine that you want time to yourself, but you can’t just leave for hours on end with no call or text! What if something happened to her, or you for that matter?”
    “I’m almost eighteen, I can handle myself!” Lui shot back, further getting agitated by the whole thing.
    “May I remind you how we have a daughter in the first place, Lui? Because you stayed out too late and-“ Gabe’s sentence couldn’t be finished when Lui decided to swing, the taller male catching it effortlessly.
    “How dare you bring that up! That wasn’t my fault!” The flame-haired teen yelled, fuming at this point as tears shone in his eyes. His face was flushed as he tried swinging again. Again, it was caught, Gabe raising an eyebrow.
    “Lui, I love you, but just because we get into these petty fights doesn’t mean you can start trying to hit me.”
    “Fuck you, I can do what I want!” Lui fumed, trying to take his hands back. “Let me go!”

The baby monitor started buzzing as Leila started crying, fussing over all the noise and yelling.
    “Great, now the baby is awake… She was difficult to put down to begin with so, thanks to all the yelling, it’ll be worse.” Gabe sighed, letting him go and rubbing his head.
    “And you’re blaming me?!”
    “I'm not just blaming you since I also started yelling too.” The maroon-haired man stated, going towards the bedroom door. Lui growled and pushed past his partner, directing a glare at him. “What are you doing, Lui?”
    “I’m calming my daughter and taking her, I’m not staying here tonight…” Lui hissed angrily, walking from the room.
    “And where would you go, Lui? The only true place you have is here.” Gabe asked, getting pretty upset at this point.
    “I know exactly where I’m going to go! It’s none of your concern!”

Gabe sighed in exasperation and pinched the bridge of his nose, walking out to stop his beloved from leaving. The smaller emerged from the nursery with Leila asleep in her carrier, glaring at Gabe who stood in front of him.
    “Move, I’m not staying here.” He huffed, shouldering the diaper bag he also carried.
    “You’re not going out this late at night, alone and with our daughter. I won't allow it.” Gabe spoke calmly, reaching for the carrier.
    “Don’t touch her…” The Luinor bladder growled lowly, moving away and past him.
    “Lui, don’t do this. Stay here and let’s talk this out, please.”
    “I’m past that point, Gabe. I can’t be here with you right now…”

They both stared at each other for a moment before Lui broke eye contact, walking down the stairs and getting his boots on. The older male didn’t fight him this time and just watched from the top of the stairs, silent the whole time. He loved Lui to death and chose to stop fighting against him, letting him leave for the night with their daughter. The cold breeze nipped at his toes and his arms when the door opened and closed, sighing and walking back into the bedroom. Lui stood on the porch a moment as his eyes stared at the concrete, part of him telling him to go back into the house while the other part argued that they needed a breather. The smallest member of the Supreme Four walked down the steps and continued down the path, going further with his plan to stay with someone he knew.

He continually checked on baby Leila and made sure she stayed warm, coming up on a familiar building, lights still on. He shivered slightly and walked through the front door.
    “Hi! Welcome to- Lui! Oh, so good to see you!” A familiar baker smiled, wiping off her hands and coming around to hug him. Naturally, Lui isn’t one for physical contact apart from Gabe or his daughter but embraced the hug, feeling as if he needed one.
    “Mrs. Aoi, nice to see you again. Sorry, I know you’re probably trying to close up…” 
    “Nonsense! What brings you in? Are you hungry?”
    “N-no, I’m fine, but I need a favor…” Lui’s cheeks burned a soft pink as he bit his lip, looking away.
    “Anything! You know you’re always welcome here.”
    “I need to stay here for the night. Gabe and I got into a fight and I just couldn’t stay there tonight…”
    “Oh, honey, say no more. Valt’s away in New York visiting Shu so you can sleep in his room tonight.” Mrs. Aoi smiled, leading him into the house next to the bakery. “I have an old bassinet Leila can sleep in instead of that carrier, I just need to fetch it from storage.”
    “Thank you…”
    “Anything for you dear! Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.” The mother pinched his cheek gently and walked out of the room for a moment, Lui yawning softly as he unbuckled and pulled his daughter from the carrier, cradling her as she slept soundly in his arms.

Mrs. Aoi came back a short time later and helped set up the bassinet, ruffling flaming baby blue hair before bidding him a good night. He smiled softly and laid his daughter in the bassinet, making sure she was warm before laying back into the comfortable bed. Damn, this bed was crazy soft… Lui maneuvered under the covers and shut the light off, yawning again before settling in and closing his eyes.

The morning would be better…~

NightBear15 signing off…

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