A Trip Before... (Yugo Nansui x Ukyo Ibuki)

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Ukyo walked around the house early morning in thought, making sure he and his partner had everything they needed for their trip. Hopefully they did.
    "Tickets, carry-ons, bags..." The ninja mumbled, making it back to the living room as Yugo walked back into the house. They smiled at each other and Yugo popped his back, brushing his messy blonde hair from his face.
    "Are we missing anything?" He asked, adjusting his coat as he grabbed his wallet and keys.
    "I don't think we are. I can't think of anything else..." Ukyo told him, looking down at his stomach when he felt a kick. He breathed out and smiled softly, resting his hand against his stomach. "Looks like little miss is making sure we don't forget her."

Yugo chuckled and tapped his finger against the swollen stomach, feeling a kick where he tapped.
    "It's hard to forget her when she was such a surprise to begin with."
    "Hard to believe our baby is going to be here in a month..." Blue eyes softened as he smiled, looking up when his partner rested a hand to his cheek. The two shared a nice hug before brown eyes caught the time.
    "Shit, we need to get going. The sooner we're there, the sooner we can get through TSA."

The two broke apart and the taller helped get his partner's shoes on, sharing a quick kiss with him before they walked from the house. Yugo made sure it was locked and took in a breath, the couple walking to the car to start their trip.


Their flight wasn't until nine in the morning. But since they got to the airport early, they made it through security and were able to grab a bite to eat before the flight.

But I bet you're wondering, where are they going?

Well, Xander invited the two out to Brazil for the Bey Festival, sending two tickets and a letter explaining. The two were skeptical about the trip at first, but a confirmation from Ukyo's doctor eased their tension since their main concern was their bundle of joy.
    "You're not due for another month, this trip will be a great way to ease stress and clear your mind before your baby comes." The doctor had told them, the two saying 'fuck it' as it was a free trip.

Ukyo ate slowly since his nausea was starting to act up, unsure of whether or not it was the baby or his nerves.
    "Baby, are you doing okay? You've hardly touched your breakfast..."  Yugo asked him, concern in his soft brown eyes. Tired eyes looked up, Ukyo smiling gently to his partner.
    "I'm okay. The flight is just winding up my nerves, making me nauseous..." He explained shortly, sipping on his water. Yugo furrowed his eyebrows slightly, scanning over his features before nodding reluctantly. Ukyo wouldn't lie to him about his health...


A large tan hand reached over, landing on top of his partner's smaller hand in thought.
    "Promise me something while on this trip, Ukyo." The older man started, voice laced with an emotion Ukyo hardly heard.
    "Promise what?" He asked, setting his water down gently.
    "Promise me, no matter what, if you feel you can't handle the festival, you'd tell me."
    "Ukyo, please." He was desperate. Ukyo sighed and nodded softly, holding his hand gently and giving it a squeeze.
    "If it makes you feel better, yes, I'll tell you..."
    "It will, I promise." Yugo pulled their hands to him and kissed his lover's, smiling tiredly at him. "I'm sorry, I just want to be safe. Especially with how close the baby is to coming..."

Ukyo blinked before laughing softly, watching a toasty blush ignite on his partner's cheeks. He's such a softie...
    "I'm sorry, it's just so cute how protective you are of us... Our daughter isn't even here yet." The ninja told him, smiling warmly. His samurai looked away with a huff, taking his hand back and crossing his arms.
    "I'm trying to be a good dad..." He mumbled, an embarrassed look in his brown eyes.
    "You're going to be no matter what, Yugo..."
    "Yeah, I know."


    "We're looking at a nine hour flight from Beigoma City to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil today on this beautiful Friday morning. We'll be taking off shortly so buckle up and enjoy the flight." The pilot announced over the speakers, Ukyo holding tightly to his partner's hand. Yugo looked over in amusement, a teasing glint in his eyes.
    "Tight enough grip there, Ukyo?" He asked, laughing when he was swatted in the shoulder.
    "Shut up..." The ninja hissed, trying to calm his breathing as he felt the plane start to move. "I hate flying..."
    "Yet heights aren't that big an issue."
    "Because I trust myself in trees... Airplanes are unpredictable."
    "Everything will be fine, honey. We'll take off, be unsteady for a few seconds, then smooth out and be on our way to see Xander."

Nervous blue eyes looked over as his grip loosened slightly, smiling softly at the thought.
    "It'll be nice to see him and Ruwei again. We haven't seen them since they came to the dojo." He said, leaning his head onto Yugo's shoulder with a yawn. "I wonder when he's going to pop the question."
    "Xander? Take initiative? I don't think he's going to be the one proposing." The samurai laughed, shaking his head.
    "Don't be so quick to judge him, I think he will."
    "Care to make it a bet?"
    "You're on."

The couple shook hands, eyes staring intensely at one another.
    "Winner gets bragging rights and plays first in the next round of team battles."
    "Loser does all the chores around the house for a month."
    "It's a bet." The two soon laughed, sharing a quick kiss as the plane took off. Ukyo pulled away and buried his head into his partner's shoulder, the slight shaking of the plane causing his stomach to drop.
    "You okay, babe?" Yugo asked, rubbing his back gently. The ninja spared a thumbs up as his voice was frozen, his lover laughing softly. "Okay..."

The shaking smoothed out as the passengers were permitted to have their seatbelts off, the nine hour flight kicking off as Ukyo finally picked his head up slightly.
    "Is it over...?" He asked softly, swallowing the lump in his throat. Yugo chuckled as he opened the cover on the window, showing him the horizon.
    "Smooth flying for the next nine hours." He smiled, watching in amusement as blue eyes filled with wonderment at the sight. Blue skies and fluffy clouds, the sight putting the anxious ninja at ease rather quickly. Ukyo smiled softly and held Yugo's hand, looking at him.
    "This was a good idea..." He said quietly, laying his head back on the comfortable shoulder. Yugo smiled back, laying his head gently on his lover's.
    "Yeah, it was..."

NightBear15 signing off...

~~ I had an entire plot lined up for this damn one shot and scrapped it last minute. If you want a V2, then tell me. Otherwise, this is it. ~~

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